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Cody had always been plagued by a fear of heights, an irrational terror that gripped him whenever he found himself too close to the edge of a cliff or a tall building. His acrophobia was like a shadow, lurking in the corners of his mind, waiting to pounce at the slightest provocation.

One day, while on a hiking trip with his friends, Cody's worst nightmare came true. They decided to explore a remote mountain range known for its treacherous cliffs and dizzying heights. Despite his protests, Cody reluctantly followed along, hoping to conquer his fear once and for all.

As they ascended higher and higher, Cody felt his anxiety mounting with each step. The sheer drop-offs and precarious ledges seemed to taunt him, whispering promises of doom if he dared to venture too close.

But it wasn't until they reached the summit that Cody's fear reached its peak. Standing at the edge of a towering cliff, with nothing but thin air between him and the abyss below, Cody felt his knees go weak and his stomach churn with nausea.

His friends urged him to step back, to take a deep breath and calm his racing heart, but Cody couldn't move. He was frozen in place, paralyzed by the overwhelming terror that gripped him like a vice.

And then, without warning, it happened – a gust of wind, a momentary lapse in concentration, and Cody lost his footing, tumbling over the edge and plummeting into the void below.

As he fell, time seemed to slow to a crawl, each second stretching out into eternity as Cody's mind raced with thoughts of regret and despair. He thought of his family, his friends, all the things he would never get to experience – and then, with a sickening thud, it was over.

But to Cody's horror, death was not the end. As he opened his eyes, expecting to find himself in the afterlife, he instead found himself back at the summit, staring into the yawning chasm below.

Confused and disoriented, Cody tried to make sense of what had just happened. Had it all been a dream, a hallucination brought on by his fear? But as he looked around, he realized with a sinking feeling that he was trapped in some kind of twisted nightmare, doomed to repeat the same terrifying ordeal over and over again for all eternity.

With each subsequent fall, Cody's fear only grew stronger, his mind descending into madness as he grappled with the horrifying realization that there was no escape from the abyss above. And as he tumbled endlessly through the void, his screams echoing into the empty sky, Cody knew that he was doomed to relive his worst nightmare for all eternity, a prisoner of his own acrophobia.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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