Chapter 3

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Jimin struggled to focus on anything else after Yoongi's departure. His mind was preoccupied with the CEO of Min Co, who was standing on the spacious balcony that extended from the top floor of the building. The balcony offered a breathtaking view of the city skyline, which Jimin could barely appreciate at the moment. He observed the CEO, clad in an elegant suit, as he gazed out at the horizon with a pensive expression.  As he watched the CEO pacing around the balcony, holding his phone against his ear while talking to a potential investor, he couldn't help but wonder what they were discussing. Was it possible that they were discussing the very same project that had been offered to him?

A few more minutes passed before Yoongi entered the lavish living room. He handed the phone to a servant and went upstairs after excusing himself. Jiimn tuned back in the conversation between the elders who were currently talking about the projects they were currently working on, they talked about stocks, shares, and various deals before the Head chef announced that the lunch was ready.

As Jimin and the elders took a seat on the cushioned chairs in the elegant dining area, they noticed two individuals entering the room. One of them was Yoongi, and the other one was Jiyoung, the eldest son of the Min Family, Jimin figured. As Jimin observed Jiyoung, he noticed that the young man looked quite frail and tired. He knew that the eldest Min was diagnosed with leukemia, a devastating illness that had taken a toll on the young man's health. Despite this, Jiyoung still managed to smile warmly at Jimin and his parents, welcoming them to the table. As they began to eat, Jimin couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy for Jiyoung and his family. It was clear that they had been through a lot, and Jimin hoped that their time together would be a bright spot in their day.

As they sat down for lunch, the elders and Jiyoung began to engage in a lively discussion centered around Jimin and Yoongi's marriage.  They talked about the need to let the world know that the two most famous CEOs were tying the knot together. They suggested that a public engagement would be the best way to announce the news to the world. 

 They also discussed the details of the wedding ceremony, agreeing that a more intimate event would be better suited for the occasion. They talked about the venue, the guest list, the menu, and the decorations. The elders shared their ideas on traditional customs that could be incorporated into the ceremony, while Jiyoung provided his insight on modern trends that could be included.

Mrs. Min suggested that Yoongi and Jimin talk in private, surprising both of them. With everything set, she gestured towards the two of them, indicating that now was the appropriate time for them to have a private conversation.  Her suggestion surprised both of them, who were quite lost in their own world, zoned out from the conversation. Regardless they nodded their head and went to Yoongi's room.

As they stepped inside the room, Jimin's eyes scanned every corner. He took in the bare walls and the empty shelves, making it clear that the room had not been used in a while. The large bed in the center of the room was the most prominent feature. Even though it had a significant size, it was only covered by a thin white sheet. Jimin couldn't help but notice the lack of pillows and cushions that usually adorned a bed. The vanity beside the bed was bare, with no products or personal items to decorate the emptiness. The room felt lifeless and uninviting as if no one had lived there before.

The Youngest Min politely asked Jimin to have a seat, gesturing towards the bed as an invitation. Jimin acknowledged the gesture and made his way towards the bed, where he comfortably took a seat. Meanwhile, Yoongi opted for the couch, which was conveniently placed opposite the bed. The room was peaceful and quiet, with the only sounds being the gentle hum of the air conditioning and the occasional rustling of the curtains. The atmosphere seemed calm and serene, allowing Jimin to relax and feel at ease. 

" I hope you are okay with the settings of the engagement and the marriage," Yoongi asked as he glanced at Jimin, who simply nodded his head.

" Are you going to work on a project with Mr. Cassano? Jimin asked suddenly, nearly startling Yoongi. once he gained the confirmation he added, " To be truthful, Mr. Cassano and my company were working on a project together, but an unfortunate incident because of one of my employees, made us lose the contract." He does not understand the reason why he shared this deal-breaking with the older, the number one rule of the business world is not to share anything about deals, contracts, and mergers with anyone, so why did he do this, Was it because they soon were going to get married?

" Was the project regarding the solar implants in Seoul?" Yoongi asked, Jimin nodded his head his mood souring at the reminder that he had lost a huge deal, but what Yoongi said next took him by surprise.

"Why don't you join us for dinner tomorrow? You, me, and Mr. Cassano, we can do this deal in a merger" Yoongi suggests as he scans the Younger's face for any reaction that may indicate his approval.

" Are you sure about this? " Jimins asks unsure about the arrangement. Yoongi ensures him, telling him that it could be fine and that it would be a lot beneficial to them, Jimin agrees to it knowing that it will bring them more such foreign deals in the future if they collaborate. 

The rest of the time they talked all about mergers, deals, contracts, and shares. A conversation that was supposed to get them to know each other better turned into a business meeting as they talked about every other thing than themselves, they found themselves deep into conversing about the things they both like, feeling comfortable and at peace with each other as they talked about various topics, completely unaware of the time that ran its route unstoppable not once stopping.

Soon the lovely chat came to an end as Jiyoung called them down, announcing the departure of the Park family. The families exchanged heartfelt goodbyes, with hugs and promises to meet again soon. The Parks expressed their gratitude for the warm hospitality they received from the Mins and hoped to reciprocate the kindness in the future.

Yoongi too left for the office soon after, saying he had to attend some meetings and finish a few flies, promising to be back by dinner. 


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