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(Here you can can think the writer is showing partiality between akshara and aarohi. In the temple, everyone has given their part of share to aarohi, so here I'm not including aarohi. How aarohi had, akshara should also have the same part of share right so no partiality😉😅)


Meanwhile in the Goenka villa,

Angrily kairav throws a vase.,

Swarna: *shouts* Now you're happy manish ji

Hearing the thud sound akshara came out of her room,

Akshara: *tensed* what happened bade ma?

Swarna: *irritated* Ask me what not happened? And what else should happened?

Swarna: Akshu, we thought you've grown up and mature enough to handle the things but today you've proved us that we are wrong. Everyone of us know how stubborn, immature aarohi is but you have proven you're more immature than aarohi.

Swarna: *shouts* If you loved abhimanyu you could have told us that day itself but you didn't. What is this silence for? What did you gain by your silence? Nothing, instead you've destroyed three lives, two families and you made a person break all the ties with the family.

Swarna: I'm joining my hands and requesting you please don't play this victim card again again. It won't help you everytime. We are a family, we care about you and also about aaru but we cared more about you. And you have taken advantage of our care.

A weeping akshara nods her head negatively.,

Swarna: Here the mistake is not yours, it's our mistake completely. If we had treated you both equally, my family might have not faced this situation today.

Swarna went to her room. Manish was ready to leave but akshu stopped him,

Akshara: *with tears in her eyes* Bade papa, please let me explain...

Manish: *sternly*  there is nothing left for you say and for me to listen,. manish went to this room.

Suhasini: *taunting* Didn't you thought how your family will face the society after you elope with your sister's groom and you're the understandable, mature.

Akhilesh: You will always be speaking about aaru and you'll always take her side and support her. Didn't you think about your aaru?

Hopelessly akshara looked at kairav, who nodded his head in no,.

Kairav: I've warned you but you were adamant to agree your love infront of everyone. What did you do today? If you would have agreed then itself, now aarohi wouldn't have got hurt to this extent. She might have hated you for few days and she would have forgiven you but now you don't have that chance. What did you told me that you're sacrificing your love for aarohi's happiness. If you truly wanted aarohi's happiness then you would have never eloped or agreed your love for abhimanyu.

Kairav: Whatever happened, it has happened. So leave about it and think about your future with abhimanyu.

He wiped her tears and smiled. Kairav turned back to leave

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