Ch13, Hall Of Power

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Chase strode between the rows of clinking, pinging slot machines, unphased by the brightly colored neon signs or the mass of dulled patrons filling the room. He reached the main bar in the center of the casino, sidled up to the counter, and rapped his knuckles on its surface while scanning the crowd impatiently. Upon seeing Chase, the bartender promptly slid a glass of amber liquid into his expectant hand. Catching it, Chase dropped cash on the counter and walked away without a word, having spotted his target. He crossed the floor to the card tables where players were gathered, shouting in excitement. Chase joined the exuberant throng, peering over their heads at the figure seated in the center.

Ryan gathered up another set of poker chips to a round of applause, adding to a large pile in front of him, "It's like the poker gods are looking out for me or something," he laughed to another player next to him. Chase pushed through the crowd of onlookers and tapped the back of Ryan's head with his glass. Ryan flinched and whirled about, his anger faltering when he saw who it was. Chase jerked his head, beckoning Ryan to follow. Ryan sighed, eyeing the table with longing. He waved off the dealer before she dealt the next hand, swapped his chips for a card, and reluctantly got up from his seat to follow Chase. Instantly, several people began fighting for his now-vacated hot seat.

"Way to bust a streak man," Ryan said as they walked, the ruckus of squabbling players fading away behind them. "That was my sixth winning hand." He pulled out his lucky poker chip, rolling it between his fingers, and looking about conspicuously. "Aljashae has had my back all night," He told Chase gleefully. Chase stopped in his tracks, sucked in through his teeth, and smacked Ryan upside the head, "not so loud idiot!" he chastised. Ryan lowered his eyes bashfully and fell behind Chase as they resumed their way across the Casino to the high-stakes room. The two wove between dealers, players, and managers, all nodding respectfully to the duo as they passed until they reached a booth in the back corner, bared by a velvet rope and enforced by a pair of large, suited men. One of the guards lifted the rope on Chase's approach and they entered, stopping in front of a wide luxurious couch set behind a marble table.

Waylon lay back on the couch, feet up on the marble, framed between two scantily clad women. He paid his cohort's arrival no mind, chewing the ear of one of one giggling girl, while absentmindedly fondling the other. Chase cleared his throat, garnering Waylon's grudging attention. "What," he snapped. Chase tapped his wristwatch, getting Waylon to check his own. He rolled his eyes and stood up, dropping a keycard on the table, "wait for me upstairs," he told the women without a backward glance.

The trio exited their private booth and went to the other end of the room, passing another set of guards and ascending a private staircase. At the top of the landing, a set of wide double doors stood open, the trio entered at a nod from the doorman and joined the formidable assembly of men within.

It was a large drawing room, with a long polished oak table set in the middle. More than a dozen men were scattered throughout the place, Some wearing suits while others wore various uniforms of prominence. To one side, a priest and a rough-looking bearded man wearing a leather vest emblazoned with a prominent patch proclaiming him "president", sat on a pair of regal armchairs in deep conversation. Assistant Chief Enzo and Mayor Gambal were at the back of the room, standing before a small round table holding an obsidian stone pyramid, the wall behind them draped in black velvet. Others were gathered, smoking by a cigar display, while some picked at the catering tables. All were drinking and laughing amongst themselves.

Upon the trio's arrival, Gambal looked up and took notice. He nodded to the doorman, who responded by closing the double doors behind them. Gambal held up a glass and clinked it with his wedding ring. All eyes turned towards him. "I believe we are all in attendance," he said, "let's be seated." There was a brief shuffle as the attendees found their seats, Gambal taking his place at the head, with Enzo to his right. The trio sat at the furthest end, and a hush fell over the group, their gathered attention fixed on Gambal.

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