Redgwood Academy

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I pull my suitcase from under the bed and started packing my clothes. The silence between was deafening, each moment filled with tension and unresolved emotions.

I haven't talked to him since our argument. I wouldn't talk to him.

I knew that talking to him now would only lead to more hurt and frustration.

So I focused on packing and nothing else.

As I folded my clothes and arrange them into my suitcase, the weight of his decision presses down on me like a heavy fog. Boarding school meant leaving everything behind - my friends, the place I worked for in school, popularity, and the life I had known. The life I deserved.

It doesn't matter if the things I were accused of were true, what matters is that he didn't trust me, he didn't fix things like he always said he would and now he couldn't even look me in the eye. Our once strong bond has shattered like glass.

I heard him sigh behind me, his footsteps approaching slowly. "I know you're upset," he began, his voice strained with emotion. "But this is for your own good. You'll have opportunities there that you won't have here.

"Don't talk to me"

I refused to look at him, biting back the words that threatened to spill out in a torrent of anger and hurt. How could he do this to me? How could he tear me away from everything I wanted, everything I had a right to have.

My father's voice was laced with frustration and disappointment. "You're acting as if you're being sent off to some shabby academy, anyone put in your position would be grateful to even experience this."

"Grateful" I laugh.

"It's important to surround yourself with the best in order to become the best to, in order to do better. I am doing this for you Cadence."

"I could have done worse, Cadence with the way you're acting I could have shipped you God knows where to never be seen. Just because I have money doesn't mean I should have to clean up after your careless actions. Actions that could have been easily avoided."

As I turned away from him, I felt a surge of anger and betrayal. How could he claim to do this out of love when all I felt was abandonment?

The mention of Redgwood Academy felt like a sentence to exile, a punishment for a crime she may have committed. But how could he not see that this was tearing her apart?

As my father began to walk out of my room, a heavy tension hung in the air. The words he had just spoke lingered, adding a bitter taste to the atmosphere. "I bet you will be happy to have me gone by tomorrow," I say, trying to mask my hurt with sarcasm. He stopped for a moment, his back rigid and his jaw clenched tightly. But without a word, he continued walking out of my room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and emotions. As the door closed behind him, the weight of his words settled onto my shoulders like a heavy cloak.


I sit the edge of my bed, surrounded by half-packed suitcases. I didn't want tomorrow to come. I wish the night would last forever. I don't want to leave.

But the night as it always does,  melted away into dawn.

Light streamed through my window, casting a golden hue on the walls of my room. I could hear the birds chirping outside, their cheerful melodies ringing like a lullaby coaxing me back to slumber, I quickly shower and get ready for the day, slipping into my own clothes. I make my way downstairs to find my father in the kitchen, sipping his morning coffee as if nothing had happened.

"Good morning," he said, his voice neutral.

I don't respond. There was nothing good about this morning.

"Your driver is waiting outside for you Cadence and your luggage has been taken care of." he states not looking up at me.

A small laugh escapes my lips as I reach for the door nob.

Cadence my father sighs "You know I love you".

I don't respond and close the door behind me.

As I step out of our estate, I see the sleek black car waiting for me he chauffeur, dressed in a crisp black suit,

"Miss Evans" he greets politely.

I walk towards vehicle and climb inside, sinking into the plush leather seats as the chauffeur closes the door behind me. The drive to Redwood Academy was silent the passing scenery outside a blur of green and brown as the car rumbled on. I stared out of the window, lost in my thoughts only be interrupted as time flies by.

"Miss Evans, we have arrived" he states politely as he exits the vehicle to open my door

Redgwood Academy the school for the best of the best a school know to live up the expectations of those who go and attend there. Lush gardens surrounding the school that were meticulously maintained, with vibrant flowers and plants adorning every corner. The campus was immaculately maintained, with towering buildings, steeped in history and tradition, radiated an air of prestige that could be felt even from a distance. The grounds were a sight to behold, a testament to the dedication and attention to detail that was ingrained in every aspect of life at Redgwood Academy.

After handing me my luggage from the vehicle the chauffeur returns to my father's car drives away, leaving me standing alone in front of the academy. The grand entrance loomed above me, with intricate carvings adorning the stone archway. I could hear the distant echoes of students chatting and laughing as they made their way to class.

I enter the school its marble floors shining under the glow of crystal chandeliers as I make my way to the receptionist desk.

The receptionist, a middle-aged woman with a warm smile, looked up as I approached the desk.

"Good afternoon, what can I do for you." A lady states as she continued typing on her computer.

"Cadence Evans," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm the new student."

She finally looks up at me. "Ah, welcome to Redwood Academy, Miss Evans. Is there anything you need?"

"I was looking to get my dorm number and room key."

Reaching for a set of keys on her desk. "Of course, let me get that for you," she said as she handed over the keys. "Your dorm room is in the East Wing, Room 203. Its outside on the right of the communal area. The girl's dormitory is on the right, whilst boys stay on the left," She states.
"Miss Evans you are not expected to attend any of classes today. As for tomorrow morning make your way here to retrieve your timetable and school uniform" she lists on.

"Thank you" I mumble as I turn around heading toward the girl's dormitory

The East Wing was a labyrinth of corridors and grand doorways. As I walked through the hall, the sound of my footsteps echoed off the walls.

201......, 202......., 203.

I use the key given to me to open my room door. With a metallic click, I insert the key that was entrusted to me and turn it in the lock. The doorknob turns easily under my grasp, and I push the heavy wooden door open, revealing my room. I walk inside and take in the sight before me. The room was larger than I had expected, with high ceilings and tall windows that flooded the space with natural light giving the room a warm and inviting feel. I see a four-poster bed dominate one side of the room and another on the opposite end, draped in flowing curtains that billowed gently in the breeze coming through the open window. Accompanied with desks at the end of each bed.

As I unpacked my suitcase, the soft thud of footsteps caught my attention. Slowly turning towards the door, I saw a figure standing in the doorway. A faint scent of perfume drifts towards me.

"So you're the new student?"

word count: 1394

AN: I hope you guys enjoyed this episode!!! I don't know if its been exactly a week since I last updated but I will try to stay consistent! 


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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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