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The pain in Marco's shoulder throbbed with every beat of his heart as he lay in bed, the soft glow of dawn filtering through the curtains. He winced as he shifted position, the events of the previous night replaying in his mind like a broken record.

Giovanni had patched him up as best he could when they'd returned to the Vincenzi estate, but Marco knew that his injuries were more than just physical. The wounds ran deep, cutting to the core of his loyalty to the family and his own sense of self-preservation.

He glanced at the clock on the bedside table - it was still early, the world outside just beginning to stir from its slumber. But Marco knew that he couldn't afford to waste any time. He needed answers, and he needed them now.

With a grunt of effort, he pushed himself upright, his muscles protesting with every movement. He dressed quickly, the fabric of his shirt sticking to his skin as he made his way down the hallway towards the Don's private study.

The mansion was eerily quiet at this hour, the only sound the soft echo of his footsteps on the marble floors. But as Marco approached the study, he could hear the faint murmur of voices from within, the low rumble of conversation carrying through the closed door.

He hesitated for a moment, his hand hovering over the doorknob, before steeling himself and pushing it open. The scene that greeted him was one of tense anticipation - the Don sat behind his desk, flanked by Giovanni and a handful of other high-ranking members of the family.

They fell silent as Marco entered the room, all eyes turning to him as if he were a lamb being led to the slaughter.

"Don Vincenzi," Marco said, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him. "I need to speak with you."

The Don regarded him with a cool detachment, his expression unreadable.

"Speak," he said simply.

Marco took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come.

"I need to know what went wrong last night," he said, his words clipped and precise. "I need to know why we were ambushed, and who was behind it."

The room fell silent, the air thick with tension as the Don considered Marco's words. For a moment, Marco feared that he had overstepped his bounds, that he would be cast out of the family for daring to question the Don's authority.

But then the Don spoke, his voice measured and deliberate.

"We were set up," he said, his gaze never leaving Marco's. "Someone tipped off our enemies, someone from within our own ranks."

Marco felt the blood drain from his face as the weight of the Don's words settled over him like a death sentence. Betrayal - it was the ultimate sin in the world of organized crime, a betrayal not just of the family, but of everything they stood for.

He knew what he had to do.

"I'll find out who's responsible," he said, his voice a barely audible whisper. "And I'll make them pay."

With that, Marco turned on his heel and stormed out of the room, leaving the Don and his men in stunned silence. The shadows of the syndicate were darker and deeper than he had ever imagined, but Marco was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

As Marco made his way through the halls of the mansion, his mind raced with a thousand questions. Who could have betrayed them? And why? The answers eluded him, slipping through his fingers like grains of sand.

He needed allies, someone he could trust to help him navigate the treacherous waters of the underworld. And there was only one person who fit the bill - Sofia Bianchi, the daughter of a rival crime boss and the only woman he'd ever loved.

But reaching out to Sofia meant risking everything - his reputation, his safety, even his very soul. And yet, as Marco weighed the risks and rewards, he knew that he had no choice. The shadows were closing in around him, and if he didn't act fast, he would be swallowed whole.

With a steely determination, Marco set out to find Sofia, his mind aflame with a single burning question - could she be trusted, or would she be his downfall? Only time would tell, but Marco knew that he was running out of time, and that the shadows of the syndicate were waiting to claim their next victim.

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