10: her secret

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song of the chapter: eventually by tame impala

third pov

zeynep wasn't sure what to say, she couldn't ignore paige forever, but she didn't expect her to suddenly appear by her door after she didn't even attempt to come after her.

"there's nothing to talk about." the brown eyed girl said as she avoided looking at the blonde in front of her.

"please, it's not what it seems like." the blonde pleaded.

the interaction grabbed kk and nika's attention as they got off the bed and walked towards their two friends.

"paige i thought we told you coming here today wasn't a good idea." kk said as she sighed in disbelief.

paige ignored her friends comment and continued to try and pursue the brunette in front of her, "please, just let me explain." she pleaded.

zeynep was very hurt, but she was also very curious as to how she could explain it. she hadn't seen them do anything weird, so she decided to let paige explain. "okay, fine." she sighed.

"then kk and i will get going for now, love you lots!" nika exclaimed as she dragged kk away before she could open her mouth to protest, zeynep told nika she loved her and waved bye to her friends.

"come in." the brunette said after her friends had left.

"thank you." paige said as she walked in, now the reality was dawning on her; she had to explain this shitty situation to the girl in front of her and she had rushed here without thinking of a proper way to word it all.

"i'm so sorry for everything." paige said as she sat down on the girl's bed.

"i want an explanation, i'm sick of hearing the sorrys by now." the brunette harshly replied as she sat on her desk chair, turning to the blonde in front of her.

"you're right... she was that girl from high school that i told you about. " she started.

"of course she fucking was." zeynep said under her breath.

"it's not like that.. she was left ran away from home and her parents and mine are close so they wanted me to take her in when she randomly showed up at my door."

"what kind of bullshit story is that?" the brunette girl spat out in anger as she got up from her chair.

"i know it sounds like a shitty excuse but it's the truth." paige said, trying to calm the girl down. "i don't like her at all, she annoys the shit out of me. i would never cheat on anyone, let alone you baby." she added.

"why would a grown woman run away from home?" the brown eyed girl questioned, she was scared of getting hurt again and it happened just weeks later.

"i don't know, apparently she was depressed since the break up so she dropped out of college and was living home. then she just disappeared from our hometown and came to connecticut." the blonde explained desperately, she knew she had fucked up and she desperately wanted things to be back to the way they were before.

"i don't think i'm in the right mindset to have a proper conversation, i need time to really think about this whole thing." the brown eyed girl said as her eyes met the girl across her.

"i understand, i'll be waiting." the blue eyed girl said, she left defeated but she couldn't blame the girl for it.

paige left zeynep's dorm, the brunette sat down on her bed to really think about everything paige had said.

she was tired of being lied to, paige always avoided telling her the truth.

"maybe it's just not meant to be..." she thought to herself.

wish i could turn you back into a stranger

a/n: i'm SO sorry for not updating. it's the AP exam season (american high schoolers ifykyk 😣) its over friday (aka tmr) i gave up sleep to write this shitty chapter so please excuse me

daily updates will return once i get this ap exam crap done tomorrow!


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