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RAYNA THORNTON IS FURIOUS. Nothing can even describe how angry and mad she is now with her youngest daughter after she heard everything from Topper's mouth. He's explaining every single things that Hope been doing behind her back that she yet to know including the latest one.

To her, Hope is getting way too much now and if she didn't do anything to stop her, she knows that the girl will get out of control one day and before the day coming, she needs to do something to prevent it from happen.

When Rayna is sure that her husband already out from the house for his work, she quickly making her way towards Hope's room knowing the girl still in there and not left early in the morning just like she always do.

Rayna wants to confront her yesterday, as soon as Topper spilled everything to her but Richard prevent her from to do that. Even after everything that she said to him, according to what Topper told her, Richard still on Hope's side.

And instead of berating his daughter for getting wild, he told her to stop being overdramatic and stop listening to everything that her son just said to her. Because according to him, Topper is just making up stories to turn him against Hope.

Usually, Rayna might think that Topper just making up stories toward Hope to stain her reputation as the golden child especially to Richard. But after everything that she heard, and how much she saw, Rayna knows that Topper didn't make up the stories. She knows he's telling the truth.

And right now, she's making her wat towards Hope's room to confront her about it without her husband's presence. She needs to get this business settled by now.

When she's about to reach the door to Hope's room, it got yank open from the inside and the strands of her auburn hair emerges at the entrance dressing from her head to toe along with her sling bag crossing her body.

Hope almost jump at the sudden appearance from her mom as soon as she open the door. The woman standing just couple inches from where she was standing, like she's looking for her.

"Oh--hi mom" Hope greets the woman with a sincere smile, not noticing the hurricane that already started inside of the woman.

"Where are you going?" Instead of answering to the greeting from her, she attacks her with the question.

"To Sarah's, like usual" She states in a calm tone, because that's where exactly she's gonna head. Before they both are going to meet the Pogues at the Châteaum

Rayna let out a small scoff "To Sarah's or to meet your Pogue boyfriends at the south side?" she said, raising her brows.

Hope pressed her lips tightly at the sudden attack from her mother. She knows this is exactly what she's gonna face for the rest of her life if this what she choose for herself.

"No, I'm going to Sarah's" She states, telling her the half truth. Because she's not entirely lying about it, she does want to go to meet Sarah.

"Don't lie to me, Hope" Rayna exclaimed "You need to use another excuse to hide your scheme because it's getting old now. It's probably working against your daddy, but not to me"

"I'm not lying to you" Hope fought back "And why are you attacking me like this? Don't you think it's still early for you being all bitter and salty like this?" she said.

"Don't act like smartass with me. I'm your mother, not those pogues you've been hanging out and the one you brought into our house to eat with us" She said and she's still feel humiliated to have a Pogue sitting at the table with them, especially not a Maybank.

If her friends at the club knows about this, she's gonna need to move to the other side of the earth. They're gonna keep bringing that up everytime they can and used that against her for any chance they got.

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