Part 5

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All three of the guys were sitting in the kitchen at the counter.  

"Well, are we going or not?" I asked the guys. They immediately jumped up and raced over to me.  

"Let's go milady," Jason said smiling as he held out his hand for mine. 

"Why thank you," I laughed. I turned my head slightly to peek out of the corner of my eye to look at Aaron. He was shouting invisible daggers into Jason's back with his eyes. What was up with that? He made it perfectly clear that what happened last night was a BIG mistake. He stealthily released my fingers form Jason's.  

"Okay. So where to first?" I asked practically bouncing with anticipation.  

"First, you need to settle down, and then we are going to go to the rec room," Neil smiled down at me. I felt so short around all these guys, I thought unhappily. 

"The "rec" room?" I asked, what's the rec room? 

" The rec room is a huge room with tons of games in it like pool and air hockey. Fun stuff like that," Jason answered.  

" Oh my god! I am totally SICK at pool!" I scream. Pool was my favorite game ever!  

" I bet you could not play Mike," Jason smiled. Jeeze Aaron's been wicked quiet, I thought as we walked on the concrete walkway to the rec room.  

"Who's Mike?" I asked confused. 

"Only the best pool player ever, he's probably in here right now," Jason smiled as we walked into the rec room. 

" Where is he?" I asked. Just then I heard a voice coming from across the room " Anyone Want to play the AMAZING mike?" the guy asked, clearly emphasizing amazing. I guess that's mike. I stalked over to him and tapped on his shoulder, "I'll play you," I told him grabbing a pool stick and some chalk.  

"Really, the new girl wants to play me. Me-Mike-really?" he asked smirking. 

"You break," I told him icily. He bent over the table and broke, none of the balls went in.  

"Okay anyone here wanna make a bet?" I screamed to all the guys in the room. They all immediately jumped up and started shouting. Every bet was the same, all on mike.  

"Thanks a lot guys," I said sarcastically, "so I believe it's my turn. Good." I bent over the table and shot each of the balls in one by one. Until I was down to the last one a yellow three, I sunk it without a problem. I looked up at each of the guy's astonished faces. "Pay up." I told them. They all started grumbling about cheating and being out money, clearly none of them liked to lose.  

"Rematch. Tonight. Eight o'clock," Mike told me as he stalked out of the hall. Once he was out all the guys started clapping, I took a quick bow and laughed.  

"Come on guys," I said pulling my roommates through the door.  

"You were so good!" Aaron told me smiling, " no one here has ever beaten Mike." I smiled right back into his sparkling silver eyes.  

"Come here. Guys we'll be right back," I told Neil and Jason.  

"Okay," they told me. I pulled Aaron to a shady area next to the rec hall where the other guys couldn't see us.  

"Okay, so I'm just going to say this very fast. Aaron I like you. A lot. And that kiss was the most amazing kiss I've ever had in my whole entire life. I had a felling and I followed it. I broke up with Christian," I said quickly and timidly looked up into his eyes. Without saying a word he enveloped me in his arms and pressed his lips to mine. I fiercely kissed him back.

guys i know i know i'm a terrible person. its another short one, i'm too sleepy. comment please and i promise i'll write alot this weekend.

Stuck at Boarding School, Rooming with 3 GuysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora