Chapter 34- Final Fight

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I woke from my unexpected slumber a few hours later. It was early morning and everyone was now hustling around the castle. Everyone was stern looking, had weapons, and were talking strategy or training. A whistle blew and everyone dashed for the outside, it was war time.

Now, we were all standing opposing from Daniel's demon army. Half our large army had flashlights, the other half had magic. Fairies hovered in the back. Animal transformers were in their animal forms, crouched and ready to prounce near the front. Werewolves were mixed into that mix and so were a few vampires.

The deep robotic voice of Daniel echoes through, "Not surrendering I see?"
"Never!" I yell back.
"Well, see all of you in hell." He smirks.
He removes his sword and points it at us. This time, we were ready.

"CHARGE!" Ethan screams and howls of war exploded around us. Jack, Ethan, and I transform into our mythical animals.

The demons charged at us, but we were ready. We worked fluently together. Groups of mythicals killing demon after demon. Hisses, snarls, cries of pain, screams, yells, and war cries sounded around us. My large dragon body easily knocked demons off their feet. I slam my feet in the ground, and ice explodes from under me. Demons' feet stick to the ice. They all look at me with hate until horror fills their eyes. I feel the power radiate from my gorgeous mate as he steps forward, right by my side. He opens his mouth and flames shoot out, burning all of the demons that were stuck. Anna and Léo were working perfectly together to take out shadows. Linda and Will were taking out possessys and so were Athena and Jack. I attack another demon, knocking him off of one of our mythicals. I feel Athena run up my scales. She flips off me, throwing her dagger and killing a demon up ahead.

The war kept going, killing demon after demon with more and more injuries on our side.
The chaos was torturous, but exciting. Adrenaline flooded trough me, enhancing everything.
My nose caught the scent of a wolf, a demon wolf and I blindly charge after the scent. I go farther and farther away from the main chaos and farther up the hill.

"I knew I would catch you little dragon." Daniel's deep voice chuckles as he steps forward from the forest. He was a wolf, a wolf the size of me, a dragon. He had pure black fur that had smoke rising from it. His eyes were blood red, and his teeth hungry for my death.

"Daniel!" I hiss and began circling him.
"Daughter." He muses smugly.
I snarl, "I'm not your daughter!"
"So you have repeated." He charges, biting my back leg. I scream out in pain and lash out, kicking him with my other leg.
He backs up with three scratches across his face from my claws. The wolf of Daniel growls. With a howl, he charges again.

He tackles me to the ground, my belly up and open. He lunges for my throat. I move my neck away. He lunges again, this time, I was too slow. I screech out in pain as his teeth close around my throat. My legs start kicking out, trying to hit him. I manage to scratch him, but he just growls in pain, his teeth clamping harder down on my throat. I couldn't breath. My lungs burned with the need to breath. My vision became dimmed. I couldn't die like this, I didn't even give him a fight! Then images of Ethan popped up in my mind. The smiling face of my pack and our experiences together appeared in my mind. I will not die like this!

I roar put, and with the last of my breath I ram my legs into his underbelly and cut downwards, cutting his stomach. He howls in pain, letting me go. I slam my hind legs into him, kicking him off me.

Now, both of us were panting and bleeding heavily. "So, you were the enemy that needed to know my weakness." I hiss quietly.
"Yes..." Daniel growls back.

I charge slamming into him with my shoulder. He flies a few feet back, slamming into a tree. His red eyes glow a little brighter with furry. He pushes off from the tree and jumps toward me. I jump out of the way but not before his teeth skim over my shoulder. I yelp in pain, jumping backward. He attacks again, grabbing my front leg. I bite his ear and he lets go, whimpering.

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