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Unfortunately, there are no pictures, but I do have a pledge that I want to say.

The Heartstopper Pledge ❤️🍂
When I see the drums, I remember Charlie.

When I watch rugby matches, I remember Nick.

When I look at art, I remember Elle.

When I watch movies, I remember Tao.

When I read books, I remember Issac.

When I drink diet lemonade, I remember Tori.

When I listen to podcasts, I remember Aled.

When I see the Mona Lisa, I remember Darcy's funny comment.

When I dance, I remember Tara.

When I have a supportive friend, I remember Imogen.

When I see the electric guitar, I remember Sahar.

When someone doesn't like me back, I remember James, and know that it's normal to be rejected, and that the person who doesn't like you back can still be friends with you.

When I play video games, I remember Oliver.

When I see a homophobic prick, I remember David and say: "He's/She's/They're such a dick!"

When I have a supportive teacher, I remember Mr. Ajayi.

When I see dogs, I remember Nellie and Henry.

When I have a supportive parent, I remember Sarah.

When I see a terrible boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, I remember B*n and I slap them.

When I hang out with my friend, I remember Michael.

When I help people through hard times, I remember Mr. Geoff.

When I see leaves, I remember the  Heartstopper leaves.

When I go to a Pride Parade, I remember the Heartstopper cast.

When I read the Heartstopper novellas and all of the other books, I remember Alice Osemen.

When I listen to Heartstopper's Playlist, I remember Baby Queen, Conan Gray, etc.

I'll remember Heartstopper till the day I die.
Say this pledge anytime you watch Heartstopper and send this to a friend who also loves Heartstopper.

Heartstopper picturesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora