A duel of Hunters

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Stain thought that it was a bluff at first, the kid knew he was pretty much done for and his only option was to try getting away. He still hasn't manege to get his quirk working on him as this fake was really slippery, but now without his precious full speed going it would be pretty easy. That was his thoughts, until he felt it behind him.

This presence was something he would never forget, the one belonging to something out of a nightmare, the one that wrecked him in front of another fake a few days prior. He had known about the Emerald Wendigo not long after its killings started. A monster of south american folklore with enormous proportions, yet silent and stealthy as a shadow. Bestial in form and will, yet deceptively intelligent and adaptative. 

At fist the Hero Killer like any other hated the beast, seing as nothing more than any other serial killers that needed to be put down, and he would have loved to be the one who would do it. But then... something unexpected happened, something no one could possibly have foreseen. One of his victims changed his heart. After that, the emerald Wendigo become vilains and false hero's worst nightmare, the demon that would come to claim their wicked souls. 

Stain was at a lost for words when the change happened. Parts of Mustafu had become clean of crimes and corruption after the Wendigo had visited them, even after the beast had left. When Stain got there himself to understand how it was possible, and of course finish cleaning behind, he looked in the eyes of a few heroes who he knew where fake. What he saw in them, was the fear of God and Hell.

Then came the Wendigo's arrest by All Might himself, the official annoncement of a vilain rehab program where he would be the first one, and a speech of the creature now officially known as Izuku Midoryia in UA who got leaked and published online. In the end, the Hero Killer realized that he had just found someone he was kindred spirit with. Two hunters out in the night to slay the real monsters of this earth. He was looking forward to their inevitable meeting.

Unfortunately, it seemed that their first encounter would allowed any types of discussion between them, since the Wendigo was clearly in a state of frenzy that day. Stain deduced that came form the beast's new form, he knew it was new from the shocked faces of the hero he barely manege to see as he was send flying against a wall at neck breaking speed. He had barely survived that day, and know it was time to have the discussion he wished for with him.  

As the giant presence of the beast, made itself known behind him with ground shaking force and the red light of a raging inferno, he turned around to meet the gaze of a predator looming over him. This time the eyes he saw were not of savage monster, but of a powerful and deadly yet very intelligent hunter. Just like him.

Stain : We meet meet again Emerald Wendigo. I know about you hunter and living nightmare of the sinners, I've been looking forward to this second encounter between us...

Instantly the Hero Killer sprinted towards Midoryia going for an estoc. His attempt was answered by Izuku using his less massive claw to strike the weapon an upward, vertical strike making Stain loosing his sword by the sheer force of the blow. The Wendigo followed by hammering down his ignited more massive arm where the Hero Killer was standing, who manege to doge but got a part of his clothes lit on fire.    

Stain quickly extinguished himself before sending a volley of throwing knives at Midoryia so he could jump and retrieve his katana. Izuku dodged the knives by back-flipping high enough to catch the edge of the building behind while reaping a chunk of concrete. As he saw the Hero Killer leap in the air to get his main weapon, Midoryia jumped towards where Stain's weapon was to strike the Hero Killer with his boulder.

Seeing this as he retrieved his katana, Stain knew that blocking the blow of striking back would probably ended with his main blade shattered to pieces. Instead he turned back and leaned towards the ground to maybe kick himself away from the boulder. It half worked, as he had to grit his teeth from one of his ankle being broken by the force.  

Both landed a few seconds after each other, first was Stain who landed foot first half on the ground and half on the wall. Though he manege to reduce a bit of the shock with his left leg on the wall, his broken ankle reaching the ground with great force made him collapse on the ground in pain. Midoryia landed soon after, almost completely destroying the roof they were on, creating spiderweb like cracks and spreading his magma like blood all around. Izuku lowered himself on the ground, getting on all fours as he watched th Hero Killer trying to get back up.

Izuku : that's make two of us Hero Killer... However, for being hunters and both finding purpose in the hunt... One of us is the other's prey...

Stain : S-so... they send you here for me, eh...? Why would you, ack...! Accept ? We're both... doing the same thing at the end...

Izuku dashed towards Tenya who had collapsed and loss consciousness since then. Seing that, Stain tried to stop the Wendigo by throwing a few knives at him. But Midoryia Swept them away with his antlers before cradling the hero student in his arms and jumped on another roof high above to get him in safety. Once done, he turned around to look at Stain barely standing on his feet.

Izuku : Some of your preys did not deserved to be slaughtered... Ingenium's gains through marketing were mostly for charity... As for this young one, he is no hero yet... Merely a cub still learning the world around him... He is prone to moral mistakes and should be given the chance to grow... 

Stain : This rotted system will transform him into selfish monster. He should die while he still have enough humanity left inside him...

Izuku : Not if I finish his training... He has just started to taste the hunt under my guidance... And he will not be the last.

Midoryia ended his speech and jumped down where he had landed previously, at the very center of the cracks he left behind with full attend to shatter the roof in pieces and bring down the hero killer with him. Stain, understanding what was about to happen tried to jump away, only to have to block multiple shards of sharp rocks send at him by Midoryia in a shotgun like blast. Before he could get away, Izuku landed on the floor with such force and speed that he went right through it. Both fell down as the whole building was collapsing on itself.    

Because of his size and weight Midoryia landed first at the very bottom. Thankfully, the building had already been evacuated so there was no causalities or outside victimes because of the destruction. Once Stains arrived, not able to do anything with all the pain, Izuku grabbed the Hero Killer in mid-air and slammed him unconscious against a concrete wall still half standing. The Wendigo kneel down in exhaustion as heard a familiar voice coming from above.

Shoto : Midoryia, I'm here !

The battle was over for now.

Izuku : Wendigo of the full moon (lord of the hunt)Where stories live. Discover now