Chapter 4 of The Hunt: A Werewolf Story

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As General Bellaby peruses the file, his brow furrows with concern. He was already familiar with most of its contents, having dealt with Colonel Pervis's antics in the past. Pervis, a retired full bird Colonel with deep ties to the National Security Agency, was a formidable adversary, and his recent activities raised serious alarm bells.

Lost in thought, Bellaby sips his steaming cup of black coffee, the bitter taste doing little to soothe the troubles on his mind. Just then, a soft knock echoes through his office.

"Come in," Bellaby calls out, setting the file aside and straightening up in his chair.

The door creaks open, and in steps Colonel Shirley Baxter, his faithful secretary and Assistant Director for over a decade. She carries herself with an air of efficiency, her brown hair with streaks of gray pulled back into a tight bun, and her glasses perch on the tip of her nose. Despite her stern exterior, Shirley has a heart of gold, and Bellaby values her unwavering loyalty and dedication.

"Good morning, General," Shirley greets, a warm smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she approaches his desk.

"Morning, Shirley," Bellaby replies, returning her smile.

As second in command of Air Force Intelligence for the Department of Paranormal Investigations she is almost as knowledgeable as Bellaby.

Bellaby: "Please take a seat, Colonel."

Shirley smoothly moves to the chair across from him. As she sits, she adjusts her glasses, ready to take in every detail.

Bellaby then proceeds to brief Shirley about Locor's call, his tone serious and measured.

General Bellaby lumbers up out of his executive-style desk chair. Picking up his coffee, he walks over to the coffee machine in the corner for a top-off. Above the coffee machine is an 8 x 12 famous portrait of JFK. Gazing at the portrait, he begins:

"Shirley, the stakes of this mission are high. Whether or not Natasha is alive, we can't allow her or her remains to fall into the hands of Colonel Pervis. There's no telling how he or the mad scientists in Washington would use her or her DNA for experiments."

"Understood," Shirley replies.

At the same time," Bellaby continues, "we must do everything possible to keep our involvement secret from Pervis and other rival agencies. This sort of thing could ignite the powder keg that causes a complete inter-agency war. And all the while, we must honor our department's mission statement along with our promise to the the werewolf species to promote peaceful coexistence among all sentient lifeforms. The werewolves present no threat to humanity. We are going to treat this situation like a typical SERE rescue mission, with the emphasis on secrecy."

Understood," Shirley replies again, her voice steady and resolute. "

Bellaby: "Is Major Forge still on base?"

Shirley: "Yes, I believe so, sir. Sir, I would like to volunteer....."

"No, I'm sorry," Bellaby cut her off abruptly, "we're short staff, I can't afford to risk two operatives, I need you here. Please locate Forge and brief him. If possible, I want him at these coordinates within an hour," he said, handing her the GPS coordinates to 'The Howling Coyote Saloon'.

"I'll make sure Major Forge is fully briefed and ready to deploy within the hour. We'll operate under the highest level of discretion to avoid any unwanted attention from Pervis or other agencies. And I'll make sure Forge knows the critical nature of this mission."

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