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Everyone was focused on him up on that stage whereas his eyes were locked on me in the crowd. Making it eerily very obvious to all the people present that I was the lamb to the slaughter.

The deadly silence that had engulfed the crowd meant that they were as shocked as I was. But they could not possibly feel the fear that I was feeling at that moment. Their silence only meant that they were waiting for the Luna and I was just simply dumbstruck. I couldn't move. And then he did the most unimaginable thing.

"Come on Amber, get up here." The loud gasps of shock and exclamation made me visibly wince as suddenly the spotlight was all on me. I could feel their judging gazes as I held my head down to hide the tears that were brewing up in my eyes. This is should not be happening to me. I had already had enough pain in my life and I knew I couldn't take any more and the slightest push could throw me off the cliff. But it did happen. And again I was just as helpless.

I waited in the crowd, hoping that they will look away or forget about him calling my name but that never happened as seconds ticked by. It was getting more and more awkward and all the tension in the air was just getting heavier on my shoulder. I just couldn't bear it anymore. So I shuffled my feet, took the smallest steps and forced myself to walk up to the stage through the staring crowd as it cleared my path to my unfortunate fate.

And then I was there.

He looked at me with a shine in his eyes and that made my heart flutter, but my brain knew what was happening. The bond was kicking in. I was trying to fight it as much as I could because I had to stay strong and hold on to my morals. I didn't want to fall in love or even support a murderer.

But then he held my hand in his and the warmth of him against my freezing fingers made me forget my inner dilemma against him for a second as I leaned on to the touch and held his hand as tightly as I could because the fear of staring into the crowd was something I was not prepared for. All their judging eyes and their surprise, shock, fear and lastly pity pointed at me unabashedly.

"Let's give a round of applause for the new Luna of Moonshadow pack!" At first there was nothing. Absolute silence from the crowd. But the crowd was not just my pack, it was partly Moonshadow too. They were happy with their Alpha finally finding a mate rather than a Luna for their pack for sure. Because truth be told, a Luna in Moonshadow was just useless because she, or rather I will hold no power of authority on them. Just because they were uncontrollable, and only the wolves of their Alpha. Alpha Gideon.

I didn't let myself look into their eyes, to see the judgment and uncertainty that surely filled their expressions. But I couldn't escape the reality that was unfolding. The undeniable connection between Alpha Gideon and me had bound us in ways that couldn't be broken.

The applause, when it finally came, was a hesitant one, born out of respect for Alpha Gideon and Mr. Colt rather than acceptance of me as the new Luna. The cheers were muted, and I could feel the weight of their dread. They were not happy, and I felt the same but more.

As the crowd's hesitant applause washed over us, I felt Alpha Gideon's grip on my hand tighten, his dominance asserting itself even more. It was as if he was telling me that fighting against this was futile, that I was his, and there was no escaping it. His eyes never left mine, and they held a commanding presence that sent shivers down my spine. It was a silent reminder of his authority, and I was merely a pawn in this complex game.

Mr. Colt stepped closer and raised his voice to address the assembly. "Let's celebrate this union of Alpha Gideon and Luna Amber. May it bring strength and unity to both the Moonshadow and all our packs."

The cheers that followed were more robust, but I couldn't escape the feeling of being trapped in a destiny that I had little say in. I knew that my role as Luna in Moonshadow was not one of any leadership as it was with other packs; I was just there to stand by his side, unquestioning and obedient. And pump out heirs fit to his name. And hope to grow old and die peacefully and unbothered while he raged wars outside.

As if he knew I was thinking about him and my life with him, he leaned closer, his voice a low murmur meant for my ears alone. "Look at how happy they are, expecting you to change me. Don't let their expectations burden you Amber. We both know how it is going to turn out. Ignore them all but me. I'll take care of you, I always will."

His words were both a strange reassurance and a command. It was foolish of others to expect anything from me. They didn't know me and the things I am incable of doing. Rather the weight of his words pressed upon me, and my inner turmoil raged, hoping that maybe he could change under the force of our bond but that just felt wishful thinking. I nodded, a reluctant submission to the path that had been set before me. There was no turning back now, and as we faced the crowd, I couldn't help but hope that our bond would indeed bring the unity and strength that Mr. Colt had spoken of for our packs. At least I could try something to make a meaning out of all of this even if Gideon has other plans already.

The journey ahead was uncertain, and as his grip on my hand remained unyielding, I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad will surely happen, because hoping for a peaceful life was like daydreaming. You can never truly escape the shadows that loom over your reality. Yet, despite the uncertainty and fear, I had to hold on to that sliver of hope, no matter how fragile. For now, I would walk this path with Gideon, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, and perhaps, find my own strength within the chaos.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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