Chapter 57

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A/N: Since this story is coming to an end, I'm getting ready to post the sequel. I don't have a title, cover, blurb or a first chapter yet and I'll be working on them next week. That means I might (might!) not be able to update HMD next week. I'm sorry, but making a cover sometimes takes hours, other times days.


Nathaniel's POV

"Hey, where are you?" I asked into the receiver when we got out of the Principal's office.

"By the tree with Lyn." I didn't have to ask which tree; they always went to the same one, at the back of the school.

"What happened?"

"We'll meet you there and tell you," I answered, climbing down the stairs.


We both hung up after his reply.

"They at the tree?" Val asked from my left and I nodded.

She was too relaxed.

Things at the Principal's office had gone surprisingly not as bad as I'd expected, but she still got suspended and Mr. Jefferson had tried to call our parents. He got 'the caller is currently speaking and can't answer you' message with both of them, but he wasn't going to give up. He'd wait a bit and dial their numbers again.

Thankfully, once he found out about Hunter and me and that I had yet to tell my parents about us, he'd agreed to notify them of why their daughter was suspended, but skip the part of me coming out. I was eternally grateful that he understood it was something I had to discuss with them myself.

"Here's the second member of my favorite pair of lovebirds," Lyn greeted, her colorful mohawk tilting as she turned her head towards me.

"So what happened?" Hunter pushed himself off the tree and met me on my way to him.

"Val got suspended..." I began, but my twin interrupted me:

"Only for the rest of the week."

"Only because Matthew was too scared to confirm that you hit him." I pointed out.

"Hey, three days off school are three days off school." She grinned and I frowned at her.

"This is not a vacation, Vallery; it's punishment and you are not supposed to enjoy..."

I got cut off once more, this time by Hunt:

"You can argue at home," he noted and grabbed my chin to turn my face towards him. "Does Jefferson know about us?"

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Is he going to tell your parents?"

"No, we agree that they should hear it from me. He didn't give me a deadline to tell them," I added, "but he suggested I'd do it when I get home today. Which is now."

Hunter raised an eyebrow.

"You got suspended as well?"

"No, Mr. Jefferson thought it might be better for me to take the rest of the day off."

"For a guy who's adamant to keep order in his school and get his students and staff to listen to him, Jam's kind of cool," my sister commented.

"Alright," he let go of me, "we are going home then."

"You too?" Lyn pouted. "What am I supposed to do on my own in school?"

"Get in a fight with Stacey," Hunt suggested; he was already walking towards the parking lot. The three of us followed.

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