15 - Awkward Encounters

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Awkward Encounters

Juliet produces a lop sided smile as she approaches the two men who are waiting for her outside a sleek, black car with tinted glass. She is unsure of the current situation that she has found herself in but she is relieved to see these two men standing, alive. "Matt! Arthur! You're okay!" She exclaims with excitement and a little relief.

"It is good to see you Miss Holmes." Arthur grits his teeth which have been whitened.

"How many times? Juliet, please." She smiles at them both but her smile soon falls when she notices the state that they are in. They both look sickly and pale like this is the first time that they have seen sunlight in weeks. It has been weeks since Juliet escaped from Moriarty's entrapment. Could it be linked? They both look fearful with great big black bags sitting under their eyelids showing that they have not had a good night's sleep in ages.

"So Juliet, how have you been?" Matt asks, quite obviously buying time while the young Holmes deduces the two blokes. Their uniform is clean and crisp - freshly ironed - showing that they have only recently been tidied up.

"I've been well thank you..." She mumbles then reluctantly asks back, "You?" They are both freshly shaved as of today, their hair has been cut to the length she is used to and... There is something else.

"We've been okay..." Matt lies while Arthur remains silent. Above Arthur's right eyebrow is a gash that has recently been sutured closed - rather professionally. The cut looks like it was caused by someone backhanding him which tells Juliet that the attacker was left handed.

"What is the plan then?" Juliet questions, suddenly becoming bored of deducing. Matt and Arthur exchange uneasy looks. "Why are we just standing around?" She presses.

"We've been told to wait for further instructions." Matt admits.


The chattering has continued in 221B Baker Street which has mainly included John and Irene conversing with Lestrade and Mycroft inputting every so often but Sherlock has sat in silence thinking. Thinking about his daughter. His daughter's sudden departure. "Why would she just leave?" The high functioning sociopath mumbles to himself drawing the attention of the other occupants in the room. None of them speak. "She gets two messages, I heard the phone chime twice, and then leaves." He ponders.

"Maybe she is visiting a friend." Irene suggests in a naive fashion.

"She hasn't got any friends." He mutters in response.

"What about Miss Hooper or Miss Morstan?" Mycroft wonders clearly enjoying the thrill of the mystery without his governmental side kicking in.

"It is Mrs Watson." John hisses.

"Why would she visit Molly or Mary? Irene has an excuse of being stupid because she hasn't been here but you Mycroft? Such an idiotic suggestion, brother dear." Sherlock barks. The Holmes brothers glower at one and other while the others awkwardly stare at the ground.


Matt, Arthur and Juliet are also involved in an awkward encounter as the two men have not received any further orders presumably from James Moriarty. "I will call in." Arthur decides and removes a walkie talkie out of his inside pocket and pulls it towards his mouth to speak. "Control, this is footman AD12 I am here with footman MS09 with the target. Waiting for further instructions. Over?" He professionally rambles into the microphone but only receives static in response making him huff. "Control, AD12 here, I have the target. Waiting for instructions. Over?" Juliet suddenly feels seriously uncomfortable in her current predicament and it takes all her will and self control not to run. "Control! Please respond ov-" A gun shot it fired from what seems like a shotgun and a bullet hits Arthur in the back of his head. Pedestrians start to squeal and scatter while Matt looks down at his dead colleague, dead friend in shock when he is also shot in the head. Juliet screams.


The consulting detective shrugs on his long, black coat and turns up his coat collar before fixing his navy scarf around his neck. "So you are just going to follow her?" John scrunches his brow still seated on the sofa.

"Sherlock!" Irene exclaims with a giggle, "Let her live little. My parents gave me loads of freedom when I was sixteen."

"Yes and then you grew up to become a dominatrix, not exactly an aspiring career." Sherlock snaps with agitation. Irene is about to retaliate when she clasps her mouth shut.

"I gather we are just letting my colleagues die then..." Lestrade trails still with a ghost-like look.

"No of course not-" Sherlock is interrupted by the sound of a gun shot followed by squeals and then another followed by a very loud scream. "Juliet!" Sherlock yells and scampers down the stairs as fast as he can. He swings the door open leading onto Baker Street where the pedestrians are running to the left telling Sherlock that the commotion will be to the right so her runs towards it with John following close behind. He first notices the two bloodied corpses laying face down in the gutter and then a black car whizzing off down the street. "Juliet!" He shouts at the car as it drives away.

"Oh dear." John mutters looking at the bodies. "Back of the head, nasty."

"A shot gun." Sherlock deducts, "Juliet had time to run." He can then here his brother's annoying voice on the phone to his 'people' telling them to rid of the bodies as quickly as possible.

"...you know what it does to tourism." Mycroft finishes before hanging up making Irene scoff as Lestrade studies the 'stiffs'.


Juliet Holmes feels like she is about to faint when she realises that she is next. She takes the little time she has while the gunman reloads the shot gun to run...
...but she doesn't get very far.

Another black car comes whizzing around the corner and a man jumps out rather skilfully without skidding on the Tarmac. He is a tall man wearing a pair of jeans with a smart shirt and blazer; his eyes are a piercing blue and his hair a soft brunette. Just as the gunman fires another bullet the man shields Juliet meaning he gets struck in the back not once but twice as the barrel of the gun is emptied once again. He drags Juliet into the back of the car that comes swinging back around and slams the door shut letting the car speed off. At this point, Juliet has realised that the man who made a grab for her is trying to help. "Are you alright?" He breathlessly asks.

"I'm fine!" She exclaims slightly shocked while taking a seat in the back of the car, "Are you? You were shot!" The man chuckles with his back turned to Juliet while removing his blazer to uncover a bullet proof vest.

"Not like the shit the police are given, this vest was expensive. There will be bruising...I will have it looked at." He turns to look at Juliet revealing his true identity.

"You!" Juliet gasps.

It is Sherrinford Holmes.

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