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chapter twenty-seven ; daddy issues


Seeing the somber moods on Joe and Barry's faces earlier in the morning, Natalie designated herself to cheer them up, given everything that was going on with Dr. Wells. And feeling especially in a helpful mood, she had even decided to cheer up Eddie, who she thought looked rather glum at his desk when she passed by him on her way out of the station. Natalie swung by Jitters and got coffee for the four of them and a few muffins for them as well.

"Some coffee for you," Natalie announced as she removed a cup from the holder and set it on Eddie's desk. "And a muffin, take your pick from the bag," she said as she held out the bag of treats.

"Aww, thanks Natalie," Eddie replied as he riffled through the bag and pulled out a blueberry muffin. With the satisfaction of making someone's day a little bit better, Natalie smiled in welcoming and turned around to head upstairs to Barry's lab.

Before she could be on her way, she felt a hand wrap around her wrist and prevent her from leaving. Turning back around, Eddie stepped closer to Natalie and lowered his voice, "How is Barry doing..with his Lightening Psychosis and all?"

Biting the inside of her cheek to keep from giggling, Natalie gave Eddie a small smile, "He's just dandy." Satisfied with that answer, Eddie let her go and Natalie made her way upstairs with the treats.

"Coffee and muffins for some of Central City's finest men," she proclaimed as she set down the holder and bag on the desk near the two and grabbed her own cup.

While Joe mumbled a thanks, Natalie's lips lingered on the brim of the cup as she followed Barry's gaze to the board in front of them. Now, along with all of the information of Nora Allen's murder, everything they knew about Harrison Wells was pinned up as well.

As Joe, Natalie, and Barry started to group together all of their information on Wells, which wasn't a lot, Barry had become more and more depressed. It was clear his frustration and the betrayal he was feeling at the moment.

"We're gonna figure it out, Barry," Natalie reassured as she rubbed Barry's back. He nodded slowly and wrapped an arm around her waist as he removed his coffee from the holder. "It's like I said, Bare, he's been patient. And we have to be patient too," Joe sighed.

The three sat there, staring at the board before Joe cleared his throat, "Well, there was something else I'd like to talk to you about, Bare. And you too Natalie."

"Wait, me? I didn't do anything," Nat said as she pointed at herself, earning a small chuckle from Barry.

"Don't think I haven't noticed your absence at the house some nights, Barry. Any idea where he could have been, Natalie?" Joe asked, raising an eyebrow and a sly grin on his face.

Natalie opened her mouth and closed it several times as Barry choked on his coffee, but several explosions diverted the attention from the two of them to the city. Stepping up to the window, the three saw smoke rising from a park.

"Go, Bare. Do good. Stay safe. We'll meet you at S.T.A.R. Labs," Natalie said as she pulled Barry in for a quick kiss. Barry nodded and ran off, leaving Joe and Natalie behind in a gust of wind.

"Don't think this conversation is over, young missy," Joe teased as he led the way out of the lab and down to the parking lot.


"Ooh.. Talking in the third person is never a good sign," Cisco pointed out as everyone at S.T.A.R. Labs watched the video the park bomber had posted. The man, who called himself the Trickster, had the camera focused on him as he turned in a circle, providing a view of Central City in the background, and spit out every word carefully.

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