secrets revealed...

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i woke up in some sort of cage... and in my human form. i looked over and saw the ghost boy passed out but he was slowly waking up so i changed back.

"uh where are we and what happend?" he asked getting up and facing me

"im not sure" i told him, looking around we seemed to be on some sort of island... in space? why does space look so green?...

"i know where we are" he said "we are in the ghost zone" i was still confused i dont know what the ghost zone is...

"what is the ghost zone?" i asked

"i still dont get how you dont know about the ghost zone,but this is it. its where all ghost are sent and stay here unless they manage to get into our world... i mean the real world" he explained. just then the door opened and skulker walked in...

"i find it quite funny that neither of you know the others secret." he laughed, me andghost kid looked at each other confused.

"how about i make it clear to both of you" skulker said and pressed a button. just then ghost boy got shocked i tried helping him but as soon as i touched him i also felt the shock... after what felt like forever i couldnt take anymore i changed from my ghost form back into (y/n). i looked over and was shocked !

"Danny?!" i said. Danny fenton was now in the place of the ghost boy passed out but slowly waking up.

"danny are you okay?" i asked trying to see if he was hurt

"(y-y/n)?" he asked opening his eyes.

"so ghost boy has another halfa friend..." skulker finally spoke up

"what do you want from us" danny asked

"you two would be the best part of my collection" he laughed

The New Halfa In AmityparkWhere stories live. Discover now