Chapter 26

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Maybe it was all his years in customer service, but Oliver Lee had a knack for knowing when something was wrong. He watched Detective Jax Michaels sitting in a corner booth, twisting a straw wrapper through his fingers while a plate of untouched pancakes was presented before him. Something was definitely wrong and Oliver didn't like it. He spotted Dolores and waved her over.

"Hey Ollie, what's wrong?" Dolores asked.

"What's going on between those two?" Oliver stuck his chin out in Jax and Dani's direction.

Dolores patted her gray hair, "I'm not too sure but he's been coming more often than not. I think he's her boyfriend which surprises me because I was starting to wonder if Dani batted for the same team if you know what I mean."

"Boyfriend?" Oliver's eyes widened. "This time it's real?"

"Don't get so bent out of shape Oliver. Our Dani is growing up. You didn't expect her to be alone forever, did you?" Dolores chastised him.

Oliver frowned, "I'm just worried. That's all."

Dolores changed the direction of her gaze from the older man to Jax. His eyes were on Dani as she interacted with her customers. He grinned when she began talking to a toddler sitting with her parents.

"I like him," Dolores said.

"You like everyone," Oliver reminded her.

"Not everyone. Only the good-looking ones. Besides, he's law enforcement. He's a good guy."

"Haven't you ever heard of dirty cops before? What if he ends up breaking her heart or hurting her?"

"Don't be such a spoilsport, Ollie. Dani hasn't dated in...I can't even remember. He's good looking and seems like a nice guy. He's one of the detectives that saved us from that man that didn't tip and was a murderer, remember?"

"Only you would mention that he never tipped before being a murderer."

Dolores shrugged, "I tell it like it is and I'm telling you not to worry. Dani's an adult. She can make her own decisions and if for some reason she ends up hurt...she'll learn from it. Stop worrying about her heart being broken."

Dani had been serving customers, wondering which one looked capable of throwing a brick through Jax's window. When she refilled Jax's coffee cup, she couldn't help but admit, "It's weird to think Belcher might be the Maestro. If he isn't, it's even weirder knowing that one of these people just might be a murderer."

"Just act normal. He may not even show up here tonight," Jax reminded her.

"Did you hear anything about him? It's just crazy. Sure I've always thought of him as a creepy pervert...but a harmless creepy pervert."

Before Jax could answer, the door opened and Freddy and Belcher entered without the usual fanfare they normally displayed. Belcher walked in quietly, his guitar strapped to his back.

Freddy whispered something to Belcher who nodded and sat at the counter where Dolores greeted them.

"Give the man a double-stack of blueberry pancakes, Dolores. Belcher's had a tough night," Freddy said. "I can't believe those pigs would even suspect you of being a mass murderer."

"I should write a song about it. The injustice of being accused," Belcher smiled sadly.

"Maybe it's really not him. Those two just don't seem like they'd be able to pull off a murder."

Jax nodded, "Anything's possible."

He felt like a jerk because he was really hoping Belcher was the Maestro. He would love to close the case. So much was riding on it. Not just Dani's safety or the safety of women in general...but his promise to Vivan. He felt his chest for the engagement ring he always wore. He owed it to her to catch the Maestro and any other murdering criminal that came along. She was why he became a cop. Her death had determined how his life had ended up.

"How long will it take to find out whose blood was on that shirt we found?" Dani asked, bringing Jax back to reality.

"If there's a match in our database not too long but like I said could be a while," Jax answered.

"I hope this is over soon. I dread having another nightmare of the Maestro's," Dani admitted. "He's clearly got some mommy issues."

"Speaking of nightmares...there's something that's been bugging me, Dani. You said the Maestro mentioned a Jackson, right?" Jax asked.

"Right. I think Jackson was his brother."

"Well Roberto's still trying to pull together some more information on Belcher."

Jax's cellphone began to ring and he grinned, "Speak of the devil," he muttered before answering, "What's going on Roberto?"

"Tell me again. Where did that shirt came from?" Roberto asked.

"We found it in the dumpster. It came from Derek Bombay and Billy Gearson's apartment. Why? Was there a match?"

"It's the only reason I'm calling you. Forensics just called me. They were surprised a match came up so quickly."

"Who? Who does the blood belong to?" anticipation filled his voice.

"Loretta Palmer."

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