Chapter 18

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Sorry everyone about the confusion earlier with this chapter! I accidentally hit publish instead of save so I quickly took it down. 

Happy Reading :)

You know that feeling you get when you embarrass yourself in front of someone then the next day you have to face them? That dread and nervousness wrapping itself around you like a cocoon. That just the idea of having to face that person again so soon and just wishing you could crawl into a hole and die. Well I was feeling the exact same thing right now. The fact that I had to see Liam today after what happened last night was not appealing at all. I just wanted to crawl back into bed and stay there all day. I hadn't slept again last night and I was beyond tired. I have gotten use to not doing anything and sleeping all day that my body was now not use to being up hours upon hours. 

I was currently sitting on the couch staring blankly at the TV while some kid show was playing. I was still in my pjs waiting for Lennon to come over and help me get dressed for my engagement pictures in just a few hours. I couldn't lie and say last night wasn't a great night or day even. Seeing Liam being all cute and sweet with Sky made unknown feelings rise up inside of me. I don't know what the feelings were but they just had to be from seeing a different side to him. In no way could I start liking Liam I have only known him almost a month and the whole time he has ignored and been rude to me. 

I was just worried about seeing him later today not knowing if he was going to bring it up or not. In a way I didn't want him to and it would just be better if we didn't. I mean we didn't even kiss it was just in the heat of the moment we got close to each other. If Candy hadn't knocked on the door I don't know if we would have kissed or if Liam would have stopped it. A part of me had really wanted to kiss him, I mean who wouldn't he is gorgeous and I am a woman. 

On top of not really wanting to see Liam we had to take our engagement photos today and I knew his family would be there. We would have to act all lovey dovey around each other. It seems my life has turned into one big drama show. Just act normal around him. If he has forgotten about the almost kiss then you need to too. I thought to myself. I can do this I can take photos with my fake future husband while his family is there, and than later take manner classes with Lennon. I sighed and leaned my head on the couch. I was really starting to hate my life. 

So here I sat watching the TV but not really watching in my pj's. Strict orders from Lennon because she wanted to be in charge of everything so the photos would look amazing; not that I minded really since I sucked at doing makeup. I already showered early this morning so at least that was done. Since I hadn't slept much last night I got up soon after Liam left not wanting to face him. It was now 11 o'clock and Lennon should be here any second because our appointment with the photographer was at 1. Apparently that was the perfect time to take pictures outside. I honestly didn't even know where we were taking them or anything really. All I know is that we will be taking quite a bit and most outside. As you can tell things were going to go great today. Note the sarcasm. The bride to be doesn't even know what is going on. 

There was a knock on the front door before it swung open revealing Lennon with her arms filled with all different kinds of bags. 

"I am here so lets get this bitch started!" She yelled slamming the door behind her. I shook my head but chuckled softly under my breath. Turning the television off I stood up and trailed behind her as she walked to my room. I have only known Lennon a few days and I already know she has a big personality and doesn't care what others thought of her. I loved the way she held herself, it is slowly becoming one of my favorite things about her. I noticed following after her that she was wearing a cute white summer-y dress that had birds on it. It fit her slender body perfect and showed her naturally tan skin off. 

A Year Agreement  (PUBLISHED!)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora