Chpt. 6 - Encounters

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I was dozing off, fully intending to go to my room. Well, now you know how well my intentions work out. I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep until I heard soft footfalls. Trained footsteps, approaching me. It didn't phase me until I realized how precise they were. If it weren't for turning up my hearing aids out of paranoia, one wouldn't have been able to hear them at all. I'm fairly sure that anybody you ask will agree that this lodge isn't exact new. The floor squeaks terribly and yet whatever, whoever, was approaching knew how to navigate it seamlessly. I jolted awake snapping my eyes open and sitting up. Immediately I saw the motion of a woman pulling back from me. I looked in her direction quickly and caught a glimpse of her face before a self made wall was built up to hide her identity. I flinched back, my eyes briefly going wide before I swallowed my fear and surprise and tried to force my body to relax. I couldn't allow myself to blow my cover.

The woman was about 5'6" and obviously native Russian. She held herself with poise, and confidence but the bags under her eyes and her pale complexion betrayed something else. Her eyes were sharp, piercing, calculating. There was undoubtedly something on edge about her. Above all though was her hair. A well groomed mass of red, her hair looked as if it were on fire.

She fit the description of who I was looking for and now she knows about me. Give me literally an hour and I've already sacrificed the mission, SHIELD, and myself.

Standing in front of me could very well be the infamous Black Widow. I would have to follow up, but for now I had to keep her oblivious.

After her brief moment of surprise, the woman recovered from her vulnerability and plastered a stereotypically daft and surprised smile onto her face. So she's not trying to kill me, yet. The woman began speaking in rapid Russian throwing in a laugh here or there but despite the good acting, she seemed distracted. Her eyes darted back and forth and I could tell she was up to something. She seemed to want to get away. I decided to feign ignorance and play the tourist card.

I grinned winningly. "Ehe, sorry, I actually don't speak Russian"


He recognized me. I shoved on a plastic smile and rambled about god knows what, maybe he'll leave me alone. I needed to get back to my room. If there's one spy, there must be more, and while sacrificing my life for freedom seemed like a good idea a couple days ago, tonight's dream was all too real and and suddenly I found myself wanting to revert back to what I know. Maybe I should snap his neck right now, he's obviously not prepared for it. I pinched my glove and waved my hand, taking a picture of his face. Facial recognition software back at my room can give an ID but if I'm right, my target's more important than I thought. Logic says he's from SHIELD, but they're domestic. They never send kill missions, just "neutralize" or "rescue" and other bullshit like that. Right now, he didn't seem like a threat but despite my intuition, I stayed true to my training and stayed alert. I would have to be wary.

"Ehe, sorry, I actually don't speak Russian."

Perfect. Pretend I don't understand, maybe throw in a little flirt to make it all more human and I'm free.

"Ну, что просто здорово сейчас я не должен убить вас" I respond, smiling and twirling my hair in my fingers.

He looked confused. Good to know my sleepless nights haven't impacted on my acting ability.

"Right..okay then..uhm yeah have fun with that."

I forced out a giggle and turned on my toes making sure to let my hair spin before prancing up the stairs. I checked the hallway to make sure he wasn't following me and opened the door to my room. The moment the door shut the facade was gone and I was to work. I pulled out a small laptop and ran the scan. I was right.

Agent Clinton Barton


Skills: Marksman (bow, gun, missile, etc.) , Weapons specialist, Hand to hand combat, Espionage

Joined: 6 yrs
Outside Relations: Kate Bishop

Prior Residence: N/A

Prior Experience: Circus, Self taught

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