¢нαρтєя 1

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¢σρуяιgнт © 2015 Margareth Valley
All Rights Reserved

1, 2, melatonin is coming for you,
3, 4, baby, won't you lock the door?
5, 6, I'm done with it,
7, 8, it's getting late, so close your eyes, sleep the days

-Melanie Martinez "Milk and Cookies"

¢нαρтєя 1

The next couple days went by quick, no word from Aiden after my sudden voicemail. He must've turned off his phone, he's probably in The Caribbean by now.

Scowling as I imagine him relaxing with a beautiful woman giving him a back rub.

The absolute worst part was I had nobody to confide with. Aiden always made sure I only needed him. Him alone. Moping at the edge of my bed I stare intently at Aiden's number.

Any minute now...

If you were wondering I had no life. Aiden made sure I wouldn't have to lift a finger, not to work, not even to shop.

Laying openly on my plush bed, I stare at my ceiling. Perhaps I was too attached.

A sudden ring caused me to jump in fear. Quickly realizing it was just my cellphone, I picked it up, fingers crossed it would be Aiden.

"Hey, Leah?"

A soft angelic voice asks. It was non other than my younger sister, Adeline.

"Hello Addie." I said quietly. We hadn't spoken in over a year, you could say we had a falling out.

"I was just wondering if you would... Never mind... Well- um, goodbye." Addie said a bit unsure.

I bit my lip. "Let's meet up." I blurted.

She agrees to meet at Caffe, a coffee shop. I excitedly slip on some casual clothing, before rushing out having my keys.

I walk pass the doors of Caffe, and I see a dreadful Adeline. She had changed, she was no longer that awkward, temperamental, little child. But a calm matured woman. I wave slightly, walking to her.

I see she already ordered the coffee. She smiled tightly at me, "I have something to say." Addie explains. I give a small nod.

"I'm sorry." She apologized. "I'm sorry I kissed Aiden, I was... We were both drunk, and..." She chatters at a very fast pace. I hold a hand to her face.

"It's alright. We've broken up. Kind of." I added confused at my own words. Adeline frowns, before giving me a grin.

"Girl's night out is tonight, how about we go together?" Addie says happily. I bite my tongue, before giving a smile and agreeing.

By nightfall, Adeline had stuffed me into a tight fitting dress. And caked my face in make up. I uncomfortably shifted as she drags me into a club.

She meekly grins at the bouncer, who scowled, before opening the door for us. "Thanks Mikey." She tugs me in, I gulp as I see many people grinding on the dance floor. While others downed their drinks as if their life depended on it.

Adeline was quick to abandon me by the bar, grabbing a moderately cute guy and danced with him. I take a seat by the bar, playing with my fingers.

This was not my kind of place.

"I see you're alone, sweet cheeks." A man slurred, very drunk.

He asks me if I wanted to dance which I politely decline, he grabs my wrist anyway pulling me away from my seat. I attempt to trash away, however failing.

"Baby don't do this, I'll give you the night of your life." He hiccups. I made a disgusted face, slapping his hand away. His hands gripped my waist instead. I had to keep myself from barfing at the stench of this man.

"Thompson, let the girl go. She clearly doesn't want you." A gruff voice said, causing shivers to erupt within me.

"Fuck, alpha!" The drunken man seemed to have sobered up. Whoever this alpha was, he radiated power. His tall stance shadowed over me, his eyes glares down at me. I look away, as the drunken man, Thompson, ran.

"Thank you." I mumble my cheeks redenning.

He shrugs, before disappearing in the crowd.

What a strange man.


Avan understood the moment he smelt her, that she was the one. Yet he wondered, why would such a kind, naive girl come into a man's world?

How unsafe it was. His heart fluttered as he remembers her blushing face. She had found him attractive. He leans on a wall the opposite of her, watching closely. Making sure she was safe at every angle. He scowls at anyone who even tried to approach her. A busty brunette leans her bust on his chest, Avan glowers at her face, pushing her away.

"Whatever your not even that hot." She huffs, rudely walking away. He snarls at her disappearing form. Avan glances back at the beautiful girl that had captured his heart the moment she thanked him.

She was gone!


I rub my arms as I felt completely stiff. I believed Adeline had left with that moderately cute boy from earlier. Sneaking through the back, and pulled out my phone.

No messages or missed calls.

I groan, nobody cared enough to say hi?

"A pretty woman such as yourself shouldn't be out here." A boy suddenly appears, he couldn't be older than sixteen at most. I grit my teeth, this didn't feel right.

I back away slowly when I see he had brought his friends. "You kids should be at home." I said, in a strong voice.

The boy chuckles, "did you hear the lady? She called us kids." I clench my teeth, when I feel my back hit the alley wall. I gasp when the boy jogs to me raising his fist. I close my eyes awaiting the impact. However nothing happened. I slowly open my eyes to find the man who had saved me earlier from Thompson.

"Were you going to touch my girl?" The tall handsome man sneered. The boys immediately scattered. Leaving me alone with him.

He turns to me slightly irritated.

"This is the second time I've saved you. I think you owe me."

* * * * *

"VVV" stands for a change in perspective, from first person to third. If you haven't yet figured out.


15 Votes

-Margareth V.


Leah McCarthly played by my favorite actress, Emma Stone! ^^^ :D

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