Not So Empty Or Alone

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I went back to the beginning.

I stood up and looked over the guy. I walked over him and checked if he had any cash or and ID. He had a wallet. I opened it and found a hundred dollar bill and a few cards including his drivers license. His name was Joshie Fares. I grabbed the dollar bill and threw the wallet at his face.

I ran out of the amusement park.

I didn't know where I was going, but I ran. Alone. I've lost everyone and the realization was setting in. My heart felt like it shattered and the pieces are piercing my chest. I didn't even notice I was crying till a sob escaped my lips.

I stopped in the middle of the street and fell to my knees.

"Why!" I screamed.

I'm just over reacting, maybe they're just playing a cruel joke on me and they're back home. I shook my head and stood up. I'm going to go crazy. I couldn't take losing more than I've already lost. I should just not exist anymore.

I pulled out my gun.

The metal in my hand felt heavier than it really was, but I did not care.

I closed my eyes and didn't look at it.

They probably already killed them like They killed Ryder.

I let the gun fall to the ground.

I can't die like this, I can't get the easy way out. I need answers and I know how to get them, but do I have the guts to do it?

"Oh look what we have here" I heard a voice.

I grabbed the gun again.

"We can kill her easy" said another voice.

I got up.

"Look she's getting up"

"What do you want" I said firmly.

"Just deliver a message to a... Midnight? And by the looks of you, your either her or can deliver the message" said the first guy. They both wore full black, the first guy had fire red head and the second guy was blonde. Never looked familiar, but why would they?  

I aimed and shot the second guy dead.

"I have no patients right now so tell your message now and leave or you'll meet his same fate" I said aiming the gun at him.

He didn't move and his face became neutral.

"Put the gun away and you won't get the hurt as bad" he said.

"You don't have a gun raised at you" I said.

"Think again" said a voice behind me followed by a click of a gun.

I lowered the gun in my hands and threw it at the red head in front of me. "Shoot, I have noting to live for anyway" I said.

"That's what you think Midnight. You want answers and then you want a normal life" the guy behind me said my ear, "The only way your going to do that is turning yourself in."

Turn yourself in.

"Why in hell would I do that? I've been running away from Them since for ever."

"You will if you offer them a deal."

"A deal?"

"They have your friends and if you cooperate They can let them go. They can also turn their lives for the best and make them as normal as They can. That's a pretty good deal, isn't it Freddy?" The guy in front of me nodded his head. "So what do you say Midnight?"

Dark at Midnight ~*BOOK ONE*~Where stories live. Discover now