Jack Saves the Day

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The three of them find themselves aboard the Dauntless, having been saved by the Roayl navy with the governor and Norrington ironically on board. At the moment Elizabeth and Milah are arguing with them to go save Will.

"But we've got to save Will!"

"No. You're safe now. We will return to Port Royal immediately, not go gallivanting after pirates!" Governor Swann speaks.

"Then we condemn him to death!" Milah almost shouts but keeps her voice at a slightly lower volume, knowing her place in this particular social hierarchy.

"The boy's fate is regrettable, but, then, so was his decision to engage in piracy," Governor Swann speaks but he doesn't sound regretful at all to Milah's ears and the brunette scowls at the old man, suddenly fuelled by rage at the defense of Will.

"Excuse me!" Milah snaps in protest. "That boy only engaged on piracy to save you daughter! It was more then you and your stupid navy did!" She yells at the governor only to be immediately held back by a pair of guards.

Jack decided to intervene then, "If I may be so bold as to inject my professional opinion. The Pearl was listing near to scuppers after the battle. It's very unlikely she'll be able to make good time. Think about it. The Black Pearl. The last real pirate threat in the Caribbean, mate. How can you pass that up?" He tempts, stepping closer to Norrington.

"By remembering that I serve others, Mr. Sparrow, not only myself," Norrington states, beginning to move away.

Elizabeth chases after him, "Commodore, I beg you, please do this. For me. As a wedding gift," She pleads but her words cause Norrington to stop mid-step shocked along with the rest of the group around them.

"What?" Milah questions, surprised at what had just come out of the blonde's mouth.

"Elizabeth. Are you accepting the Commodore's proposal?" The governor asks in disbelief.

She nods, eyes not leaving Norrington's, "I am."

"A wedding!" Jack exclaims happily. "I love weddings...drinks all around!" He calls happily before looking at a blank faced Norrington. With a sigh, he extends out his arms, "I know. Clap him in irons, right?"

Norrington looks at Elizabeth once more before turning to Jack, "Mr. Sparrow, you will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with the bearing to Isla de Muerta. You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meanings of the phrase 'silent as the grave'. Do I make myself clear?"

"Inescapably clear," Jack agrees before the guards grab him and take him to the helm. With a glance at Elizabeth who was now being hugged happily by her father, Milah follows after him.


Night falls and Milah awakes to the shouts of Elizabeth. She moves up to the deck to see the blonde being thrown into another room. She decides to pay the blonde no mind as her attention drifts elsewhere, particularly to Jack who stands by a boat ready to cast off, "Jack!" She runs up to him.

He stops and turns to her with a smile, "What can I do for you love?"

"I'm coming with you."

He pretends to think before shaking his head, "No, you're not."

"You owe me Sparrow."

"I let you out of the brig."

"And you were the one who told Barbossa my secret who then blurted it out to Will, therefore your little loophole doesn't count anymore," She points out and Jack narrows his eyes in anger before sighing defeated.

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