A Gambler's Guts

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The City of Midnight Fire is as its name suggests, a nocturnal town. Amidst the surrounding dark night the cities lamps are alight, upon the streets people laughe, talk, scrap and fight. Bright but rusted neons flicker on every street, promising every imaginable treat. One could probably commit the deadly sins five times over without really trying by just wandering around this city once the sun goes down. But the most popular spot, the place to be, is the casino.

And in the casino, at a brightly lit bar, sits a man in a scruffy blue suit and matching trousers. As he sits nursing a drink he rubs deep wounds on his face, a mark of battles long past. Yet his most striking feature is his lack of a leg, in its place he has a metal replacement which clicks noisily against the wooden bar as he gently swings his legs, deep in thought. But as he sits and thinks, planning and wandering what next to do, his hands itching to feel the smooth reassurance of a set of cards. A small shadow aproaches him and coughs, causing him to look around.

 There stands, amdist the gentle murmur, laughter, chatter and occasional scream of the night life, a young boy. No older than twelve the man guessed, for the briefest moment the man fondly remembers his own daughter of roughly the same age who he has left at home... but this thought is only brief.

"Hello," said the boy, "I assume you are the One Legged Gambler?" To this the one legged Gambler nodded, "Excellent," said the boy " Would you like to play a game of cards with me, a game I'm sure you'll like. A game of life and death."

The table had been set up in a discreet dark corner of the casino. Already at the table was another man. As The Gambler approached the man said, "Please take a seat, I'm glad we finally meet."

"This is your oponent," said the boy, "You will play the game together. The rules are simple, a game of cards, the players gamble and the winner collects what he wins when the other quits the game or loses all." So saying the boy took a seat at the head of the table. "Please gentlemen, place your bets. Will it be an eye, a nose or maybe a heart?"

"A game of organs? How intriguing, I bet my hand." said the Gambler.

"Then I'll match it with a hand of my own." replied his opponent, and so the games began.

 As he played, the Gambler's card, slid through his fingers, flowing from hand to hand, directed by his nimble fingertips. And as he directed the flow of the cards he directed the flow of the game. Very soon his opponent was finding it harder to stay in control. The man was losing fast before the One Legged Gambler's might. And as he lost the man's poker face began to slip and even this face, in desparation he bet upon and lost.

Finally the boy said, "You're game is up, you have nothing more now its time for you to pay your due." Hearing this the loser cried and begged for mercy, "Wail or plead, I do not care, for none the less you will bleed." smiled the boy producing a knife. He raised the blade then paused and looked towards the Gambler, "You are the victor so you may choose, the fate of the ones who loose. Should I harvest their organs now or should I to them life allow?"

 "By me he has been beaten. His oragns can by dogs be eaten. His head upon a pole. His intestine you can roll. His eye upon a stick. That'll do the trick." replied the Gambler.

"Very wll then," replied the boy, stabbing the screaming loser, "Henceforth all the losers will have their debts collected are you happy with that?" asked the boy, gouging out the loser's eyes.

"Content as can be" replied the Gambler watching the boy roll the loser's large intestine into a coil as instructed.

"So why is it that you love gambling so that you are willing to bet your life upon it?" asked the boy, cutting off the loser's face.

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