Chapter 5 - "I Will Strip You Naked And Sniff Every Inch Of You."

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Chapter 5 - "I Will Strip You Naked And Sniff Every Inch Of You

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Chapter 5 - "I Will Strip You Naked And Sniff Every Inch Of You."

I'm lost in my thoughts as I stride down the parking lot, contemplating all the events that had transpired today. That's when two guys fall into step on either side of me and I inhale a sharp breath of fear, my brain already conjuring up images from the countless times the same thing has happened to me with Chance and his goons. But then I realize that they're unfamiliar faces too, and their sizes are much, much bigger than Chance's friends.

I breathe out the barest sigh of relief.

These two must be the men Alpha Seneca mentioned.

Jonathan and David. Huh, I guess everyone in her Pack is tall, muscular and fit. I take another small glance at the two bulky, dark-haired men.

Their faces are set in a hard mask, so similar yet so different to Alpha Seneca's. While she seems to maintain a hard, cold exterior and carries an intensity in her eyes that just about sucks in the person who looks into them, these two men seem to carry an air of professional impassiveness, with their emotionless faces and, their sunglasses-clad eyes seem to be scanning the surroundings with careful precision, almost as if looking for any possible threat.

Ha! Yesterday in this same place, I was asked to clean the pigeon shit off someone's car's glass, and today I have freaking bodyguards to protect me from anyone who dares to come near me.

Isn't that hilarious?

I mentally shake my head, still unable to take in the strangeness of the situation, at the sudden 180° spin in my life.

The car ride home is silent. The moment the car pulls up in front of my house, David and Jonathan bow slightly in unison. "Aleph." They chorus in their deep voices, and a strange sensation travels through me at the new moniker. "P-Please call me 'Mike'," I insist out of habit and they exchange a quick, incomprehensible glance that speaks volumes.

"Let us know if you are in need of our help, Aleph." David or Jonathan, I still don't know who is whom —and haven't had the courage to ask either—says in a low voice, blatantly ignoring my request that they call me 'Mike'.

"O-okay," I reply, nodding frantically, fumbling with the seatbelt in a hurry to get out. I almost weep in happiness when the complicated buckle in the huge SUV finally comes undone and quickly unlock the door closest to me, getting out. I slam it shut and glance at both the men in the front seats fleetingly, only to realize that their eyes are fixated on me, probably waiting for me to get inside safely.

She Is My Alpha | Good Boy x Bad Girl |✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя