Introduction xP

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Hi! I am Chizuko Sakura! I just turned 15 this year 20XX. I have 9 brothers, 5 older and 4 younger. Me and my family live in a mansion on a hill near the coast of an island that our father bought. You could say we live in the middle of nowhere but Father wanted us the best safety as he and Mother are always around the world for work. The only ones in our cozy home is me and my brothers. I know they are busy, thus I had taken on the duties and chores of the house.

Oh that's right! I haven't told you a "little bit" about us. Let me introduce the family, starting from the oldest.

Leo Sakura --25 years old, Editor of a magazine

Akihiko Sakura--21 years old, Actor

Aoi Sakura--17 years old, High School Student, Idol

Sanada Sakura--16 years old (twin brother 1) High School Student, wants to be a doctor

Kanada Sakura--16 years old (twin brother 2) High School Student, wants to be an artist

Chizuko Sakura--15 years old [Me! :D] High School Student, Junior Model

Hiro Sakura--11 years old, Middle School Student, wants to be a fighter

Kei Sakura--9 years old, Middle School Student, wants to be a scientist

Jun Sakura--7 years old, Elementary School Student, wants to be an idol like Aoi

Syo Sakura--5 years old, Elementary School Student, wants to protect his sister [Me!!]

I have a lot of brothers right? Sometimes I even get them mixed up. But I know them very well and I love them all although they get on my nerves sometimes.

Despite being an overworked editor, Leo always makes time to call home everyday and comes home from work three times a week. Akihiko is always on a movie set doing his best to impress though he's cheeky at home and acts ignorant in front of paparazzi. Aoi is always in the mansion's music room training his voice for his next song otherwise he's at school with me, Sanada and Kanada but if he's on a tour, Mother would assign him a home tutor. Sanada and Kanada are in class 2-A of our school and they're popular among the girls. I'm in Class 1-A and I have two good friends, Mika and Haru, we were in the same middle school.

Hiro lives quite a rebellious life, he is often in fights at school and ends up being picked up early and given a lecture from us and the teacher. Unlike Hiro, Kei is quite an intelligent boy despite being just 9 years old, a year younger but is a little too straight-forward sometimes, he's more sarcastic than he thinks. Jun wants to follow in Aoi's footsteps to become a music idol and is often singing around the house. Lastly, Syo is very attached to me as I give him the most attention among the family but if I'm not available, our family pet, Alexander, and my personal pet Pomeranian, Misty, would play with him.

In case you're wondering about the Japanese format, we are japanese but were taught another language, English. 

To school and back or going anywhere in fact, is all by air and sea. We use the family jet plane to get around as we do live on an island but when individually going out, we each got our own helicopter except Jun and Syo as we only get it when we're 8 . Groceries are the same, we would request it to be drop off by parachute "over the ocean". Very few know of our location but it's best unsaid......

We are not an ordinary family, in fact this family has a secret...and is quite wealthy I admit..., each descendant of the Sakura family have special powers from The Land Of Mystic. It's meant to be a curse but we make the most out of it as our great great grandfather had made a contract with the evil konichis in order to save Japan from destruction during the secret ancient war of balance. But we do not hate him, in fact we respect him. He had brought peace to the land and sacrificed himself for over a million people of the land.

Someone in our family may be the next as it is the Sakura family's duty.


Hi peeps, funny thing see, I started this book in 2015 and when did I get this chapter edited and checked? 2017. Wow I have no initiative haha. Okay, hope you like this chapter! 

Peace out, Author Angel

My 9 Brothers and I जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें