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Sunday rolled around and I had just gotten into my car when my phone flashed and Ian's name appeared on my screen.

"Hey," I said.

"What should I wear?"

I smiled almost devilishly. "Anything."

"Your parents are rich, I can't just wear anything I want."

"Screw that, wear anything comfortable."

I heard him huff in the background. "I'm going to kill you if anything embarrassing happens."

"I'll be there in ten!" I said cheerfully before hanging up.

A few minutes later, I had my car parked outside and Ian was making his way to the front seat.

He climbed in and gave the inside of my car a quick look over. "Nice car."

"Thanks, I like your outfit," I said, beaming at his torn jeans, graphic tee and combat boots. He even had metallic chains hooked from one hoop on his jeans to the other.

Long story short, he looked like someone my parents would much rather have outside their house than in.

"You did this on purpose," he said, not even bothering to make it sound like he was asking a question.

I tried to suppress a grin and instead put up a fake confused look on my face. "What? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"On a scale of zero to ten, and ten being the worst, how bad are your parents going to freak out?"


He shook his head at me, a faint smile across his lips. "I don't know why I let you drag me into this."

"Because you know how fun it'll be."

"Are you going to pretend to be my boyfriend?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes, finally driving away from the apartment building. "I think I'll pass this time."


"How's Dev?"

"He hasn't talked to you yet?"

I shook my head. "Just a few texts. I'm sure he's busy. Why?"

"He didn't call me last night. Just left me a text."

I spared him a quick glance before turning my attention back to the road. "Are you worried?"

I saw him shrug in the corner of my eye. "Just a little. He was probably busy, like you said."

"Dev tends to live more in the moment than most people. He's just having the most fun he possibly can with all his friends and stuff."

"Yeah, but he didn't even mention his parents."

I frowned, that was weird. "At all?"

"Just on the first night he got back. That barely counts as anything."

Part me felt relieved. That meant things really were turning out for the best on Devin's side of things, but another part of me worried. What was he doing? Surely nothing that important could come in the way of his relationship with Ian. He cherished that more than anything.

"Did you guys get into an argument or something?" I asked.

"No, at least I don't think so," he said before inhaling a long deep breath. "Forget it. I'll call him tonight and things will clear up."

I nodded. "It's almost been a week right?"

He nodded. "It'll be a week in a couple of days."

"Has he talked to you about staying longer?"

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