Chapter 3

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Aghanya's POV:

"Haye!! Really? Viren Raizaada? Oh my God!"

My friend swooned when I told her about him. We were currently seated inside a coffee shop.

"The Viren Raizada? Are you sure?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes." I replied curtly stirring my coffee.

"Pagli, then say yes na! He is Viren! Oh Gosh! If I was in your place, I would've said yes."

"Shut up Paro! You don't know him. I'm sure he has some ulterior motive behind this." I replied.

"Or maybe he saw you and fell in love with you. Love at first sight. Haaye! So romantic!" She gushed out.

I shook my head at her. "Paro, really? Love at first sight? You know that I don't believe in love at all, let it be love at first sight!"

"Ghanu! Now you're gonna get married! Start believing in it. Something tells me you two are going to be the perfect couple." She said using my nickname.

"Kushi... I think I'm gonna say no. I can't. I strongly feel he has some ulterior motive." I sighed and took a long sip of the coffee. The cup warmed my hands. I placed the cup on the table again.

"I think you should think it over Aghanya, what if this is meant to be?" She placed her hands on mine.

"If it is meant to be, it will be. By hook or crook."

Saying that we left the coffee shop and walked down the street. Paro wasn't rich like me. She was from a middle class family. None the less, we both became best buds.  She was the opposite to me.

She believed in love and I didn't. She loved romanticising things. Her casual happy attitude was contagious.

The roads were wet and the climate was gloomy. It was darker than usual and the atmosphere sombre. It was monsoon after all.

As we were walking on the foot path a car swished past us, it also splashed us with rain water which was in the puddles. We both gasped at our soiled clothes. The car had stopped just a few feet away from us. The driver's door was pushed open and inside the car was none other than Viren Raizaada.

I groaned in my mind. "Sorry, sorry, sorry..." He kept repeating. I looked at my ruined clothes. And I had to wear white today.

"It's okay." I muttered. I looked at my friend who just stood there with her mouth open. I nudged her and she came out of her trance.

"Aghanya, are you ok? So sorry yaar..." He apologised again.

"It's fine, Viren."

That's when his attention shifted to Kushi. "Um..This is Kushi, my friend and Kushi? Viren." I introduced them.

"Hi..." He waved.

"Haye..." Kushi swooned and I had to pinch her this time. What was wrong with her? Sure, he was handsome but not breathtakingly handsome. I looked at him observing him, he was wearing a light blue button down with black jeans. Ok fine! He was hot. He snapped his fingers to my face. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Come, I'll drop you both." He said.

I frowned. "No thanks! We'll walk."

"With soiled clothes? Please get in. Kushi come on, please?" He gave her a pout and that idiot nodded like a bob head doll. She ran and sat on the back seat of the car. And wouldn't let me in. Dejected I sat on the front and glared at her.

He got in and started driving. I looked outside my window. Through my hindsight I could see him looking at me frequently. Maybe he wanted to strike in a conversation? I ignored him like that too.

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