46// sing

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46// sing

In the moonlight of the heavens
the smell of lavender
and salt
was so empowering
and I never wanted it to stop

Straddling him
I slowly and carefully removed his clothing
all the while keeping my eyes on him
pouring myself
my heart
my soul
my everything

in his eyes

and yet
I didn't feel like it was enough
nothing would ever be enough


"thank you for showing me all of this"
"Anything for you, my love"

Arching my back
at his mere words

"say it again"
"Anything for you, my love"

His hands massaged all visible parts of my body
tracing my bones
and feeling the flesh
"My love"

He kissed me so delicately
and gently
as though I might break at his touch
"Anything for you"

S U I T S (#2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora