Q & A

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Is Rose pregnant or is she just stress eating?
With all that has been happening she is stressed — I'm not saying she is stress eating, but I am not saying she is pregnant ;)

Will Clayton hurt Rose with his words enough to convince himself to move along because he is hurting everyone around him?
Clayton will eventually snap out of it, but he will feel horrible for how he was acting. He has to stay to protect his pack with all that is going on, so no he is not leaving :)

Why won't Clayon believe the fact that his sister is dead?
When you lose someone close to you, you want to deny it. Plus, since he hasn't seen her dead body, and his mom wasn't dead all those years, he believes she is still alive.

Where has Clayton's mother been all these years if her blood was fresh?
His mother was held hostage by some wolves for many years until they decided to finally kill her.

Could Clayton's mother be behind what is happening in some way?
No, she was captured by the one behind it.

Is Rose going to be reading anymore of Clayton's journal?
I haven't really thought about that, but I think yes :)

Does Rose think that if Clayton keeps acting like this that she will start to hate him? Is Rose getting tired of his act?
Rose wouldn't ever be able to hate Clayton, not even when he left for 5 years — she was just upset with him. Rose is tired of his act but if she put herself in his shoes she knows she would be doing the same as him.

Will Rose go through some type of a breakdown because of the way Clayton is treating her?
Yes. Rose and Clayton have been close her whole life so far but he never showed her this side of him — she doesn't know how to handle this.

Is Rose mad he pushed her into a wall?
She is mad and wants him to stop acting the way he is.

When is Clayton going to stop being mad and depressed like this?
Clayton will snap out of it when something happens to Rose.

Is Rose going to leave Clayton for awhile becuase of this?
No, because he isn't taking care of the pack so it is her job as Luna to do so when he doesn't.

Will Clayton realize his mate needs him? Who is more important, his sister who might be dead or a beautiful mate who needs to know he cares about her?
He will eventually :) and well, he pretty much raised his little sister on his own after his family died and she was his only family. He knows that Rose can feel that he still loves and cares about her — he's just to upset and shocked to show Rose he cares.

Does Clayton regret what he did?
Yes very much, he is letting his out anger of Nicole dying on Rose and he feels terrible for it because he knows it's not her fault.

Is Nicole still alive?
Well, I'm not going to give that away until I write the Sequel ;)

The people that work for Jason are they rogues or apart of Blake's pack?
Some are from packs, but most are rogues.

Why does Jason want Clayton's mate?
There is a prophecy that will tell us why :)

Why did Clay think the message on the wall was for Nicole?
Well, it was written in their mother's blood and before that their grandmother was killed.

When Clayton shifted infront of Rose when she was young he was naked?
Yes, but werewolves think nothing of it most of the time since they see it almost everyday — so when she was attacked in the woods and he shifted infront of her it wasn't that big of a deal.

How many more chapters are left of this book?
I'm aiming for 60 chapters and right now I'm only at 40 :)

Are they going to have any kids?
In the Sequel they will have a boy and a girl :)

How big is the age difference between Rosalind and Clayton?
Clayton is 15 years older than Rose.

How old is Clayon?
Clayton is 31 — but he looks the age of 20 because of how werewolf aging (they stop aging so fast when they turn 18)

How old is Rose?
Rose is 16 :)

How old is Damon?
Damon is seven years older than Clayton so he is 37 :) again, with their aging her looks only about 27.

How old are you?
I just turned 15 a few weeks ago :)

What inspired you to write this book?
Well, I always loved werewolves and I always wanted to write a werewolf book, but I didn't have an idea. But then, one day my young nephews said they wanted to be a werewolf and it hit me — there's no books for young wolves! — so I started this one :)

Where did you come up with your characters?
Well, Rose was based of my 4 year old niece and Clayton was based off one of my 9 older brothers lol. Damon was based off my niece's dad and Lacey was based off of my mom :) so I base them off of people I know most the time.

Would you ever be a character? If so who and why?
I would probably be Clayton lol he is just so loving and does anything for the ones he loves :)

Are you planning on writing anymore books?
Yes :) I am working on a few more werewolf stories & a few regular teen fictions.

How do you edit?
I self edit :)

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