chapter 25

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I left the guard to take care of things while i ran up stairs to change....i really don't wanna get blood all over my clothes. i got back to the house and ran up to my room where Sebastian was still sleeping i quietly walked through the room to our closet i grabbed one of Sebastian's t shirts and a pair of black Soffee shorts and walked back out into the room i put the clothes down on the bed next to Bas and ran into the bathroom i grabbed a hair tie and threw my hair up in a bun to make sure it would stay out of the way. when i walked back out into the room i took off my clothes and started getting dressed. when i returned to the cells i saw a tall blonde sitting in the cell across from Jacqueline's he was strapped down to a chair next to a small table with knives and vials.i walked up to the cell and looked at Damian who was standing outside.

"Damian open the door i really want to get this over with so i can go back upstairs and take care of Sebastian"

Damian sighed and pulled the keys from his pocket.

"fine Tor just be careful he will kill me if i let you hurt yourself"

"ill be twice as strong as him on a bad day and those are silver cuffs holding him down so hes fucked either way."

Damian laughed and opened the door to the cell i could here Jacqueline moving forward in her own cell.

"please don't hurt him he doesn't deserve to die because he made one mistake!" she yelled out to me.

"aw honey its more than his one little mistake that hes dying from.he attacked my mate which yes is a big part of the reason, but he also works for my uncle and most importantly hes your mate...and for all these reasons his life is about to come to a close. i hope you said goodbye."

she just stared at me, tears running down her face. it almost made me feel bad for what i was about to do to her mate...almost...

"what happened to you never used to be like this, at least not towards me or other people that you love. we used to be so close why are you doing this to us?"

"Jacqueline i don't love you...not anymore. and you have proven to me that you don't love me either. because if you did you never would have done these things to me. the only attachment i have to you is that you were my best friends sister...soon you will be dead just like her and ill never have to be worried about your betrayal again so please do us both a favor and sit quietly until your time comes.your life depends on your worth at this point so once i have Blake i wont need you anymore but if you prove to be a problem i will kill you right here right now and not think twice about it"

she looked down at the ground for a second before looking back up at me.

"i really am sorry about what happened, but you belong back at our pack with Blake" with that she turned and receded back into her cell.

" so justin im gonna need you to give me some answers and if you dont well there will be some consequenses"i gave him a sickly sweet smile leaning over to grab a vile off the table.

"what are you going to do to me?" i could see the fear in his eyes when he looked up at me.

"its very simple im going to ask you some questions and hopefully you are going to give me some answers because if you don't" i uncorked the bottle in my hands. "well there will be a little punishment" i stepped closer to him and he looked up at me.

"so the first thing im gonna need to hear from you is very simple...i just need to know if you have told my uncle where to find me." i paused for a second waiting for an answer but he just sat and stared. oh well his pain not mine.i reached out and tilted the bottle so a small amount of the liquid spilled onto his leg he screamed out in agony.

The alphas mate (book one)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя