Stephen's Goodbye

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"Grief is the last act we can give to those we loved, where there was deep grief there was deep love."


"Stephen? Stephen!" I scream as I run from a future predator which is chasing me. I run up and down corridors cursing as I put weight on my right leg which has a massive gash on my thigh. I sigh in relief when I am pulled into a room by Nick. "Where have you been? Whats happened to you!?" Stephen asks as Nick looks over me to check I'm alright. Making an unneeded comment about my ability to get into trouble.

"Them stupid predators will be the death of me. Like actually!" I sigh leaning against the door as a laugh escapes Helen who is in the back corner observing us. I used to love aunty Helen when I was younger but something about her now, it just doesn't feel right. I can't stop myself from collapsing into Stephen, wrapping my arms around his shoulders as he struggles to keep me up. "Shes losing too much blood we need to get her out of here." Stephen was saying but Helen cut him off. "We can't get out of here with them things on the loose!" She exclaims walking up to me and starting to try and stop the bleeding.

"This will hurt..." She says before tying her belt around the top of my thigh as I gasp in pain squeezing the first thing I can grab which just so happens to be Stephens arm. "Okay come on we have to move!" Nick says pushing Helen up while Stephen lifts me up like a child with my legs hanging over his left arm. I sigh and lean into his chest as my eyes droop, not being able to fight the sudden wave of exhaustion hitting me.

"Mia? Mia! Please stay awake!" I hear Nick call as he rubs my shoulder franctically, I huff and nudge him back making a sigh leave his lips. I open my eyes to see we are in another room, I recognise it but can't think past the cloud of drowsiness that hangs over me. I hear them talking, more like arguing but nothing kicks me out of my daze until I hear something quite alarming.

"We can only seal the door from in there now." I hear Helen say as I open my eyes to stare at her cocking her head towards the door looking surprisingly calm for the situation at hand. My heart races at the realization of what that means, one of us has to go in there with all the predators. One of us has to die...

"Whoever goes in there is going to get locked in." I state the obvious as the back of my eyes start to ache. I try to put weight on my right leg, Cutter and Stephen looking at me solemnly while Helen just stares at Nick. "I'll do it." Nick speaks about to walk to the door ignoring the pleas from Helen when I hit him against a wall stunning him long enough to make my way towards the door.

"Sorry uncle Nick but I cannot and will not loose anymore family." I say as I walk past him. When he realizes it was me he starts to thrash trying to get to me. "No, no! Amelia! Get away from that door!" He shouts frantically as the realisation dawns on him. "I'm so sorry." I whisper loud enough so they can hear me. I am about to close the heavy door that will lock the creatures in when Stephens hand reaches around it and grabs me, pulling me back in.

"No Stephen!" I shout as Stephen makes his way to the other side of the door. "Sorry mate, I'm doing this one." He says like its a simple task someone would give you. Nick reaches the door before me banging on it, while I stand there looking at Stephen through the now closed door in horror. "No! Open the door! Open it!" He shouts still banging against the door, in denial of whats about to happen.

"Can't do it Nick, can't take the risk." Stephen says about to back away from the heavy duty door when his eyes meet my scared, grief stricken ones. He sighs and for the first time today I see him look scared too but to my despair its not for himself; its for me.

"Mia, we've had some fun haven't we? It was nice knowing you and one day, not very soon, I will see you again and then we can have that drink I promised you, yeah?" He says trying to lighten the mood. I just stay standing there with my hand over my mouth in pure fear. He makes a smiling motion with his finger telling me he wants me to smile for him one last time. I try with all my might to give him the best smile I can muster, at first it comes out as a grimace but I quickly turn it into a sad smile. He winks before starting to back into the middle of the predator and carnivore infested room.

"Tell Connor and Abby to stay out of trouble." Is the last thing he ever said. He just stands there looking straight ahead knowing fully that he is about to die.

And he did, but unlike Cutter I didn't have the strength to look away. I was stood in a state of shock unable to move a muscle as each animal destroyed him and themselves. I saw it all.


Hey guys! I don't usually do this sort of thing but Primeval is my all around favourite TV series of all time so I just couldn't help it. I seriously nearly cried writing this. And to my friends that I'm not sure if they've watch this or not or to anyone who hasn't watched Primeval then there is a video at the beginning showing Stephens death scene.

Love you guys! Bye!


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