My Pimp Sold Me To The King... No Longer Am I A Hoe? Damn.... {2}

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           My Pimp Sold Me To The King... No Longer Am I A Hoe? Damn.... {2}

This chapter has not been edited.



Stay Blessed!!!!


I kept repeating that phase inside my head wanting it to be true, but I once heard that you never forget who you lost your virginity too.

You never forget your first.

In some cases the women are known to become a bit too clingy while the men are possessive.

But in my mother's case it was my father, back in the 60's her father held an auction similar to the one my father is holding to bid away his daughter at the age of fifteen.

My father was known all throughout Miami for being one of the notorious drug dealers in the game but gave it all away a week after he met my mother.

He once told me that she was so tight that she fit him like a glove and he knew from then on he was hooked.

They say history repeats itself let's just hope it skips over me.

I don't want to look into the eyes of the man who had sex with me; I prefer to never find out.

Once I'm done with someone I never go back to the past, so moving on isn't a problem from me. But why am I scared of who I’m losing it too.

I won't look... that's my vow that I made to myself.

“Fifty Thousand Dollars” I heard a young woman shout over the voices of the men who were hollering out bids like money came easy or meant nothing like water.

Gasp erupted around the room as tension filled the air. As some men realized the possibilities that they may have been outbid by the opposite sex.

Since my pimp didn't utter a word I'm assuming that he's thinking over her offer.

Though the silence in the room became nerve-wracking, the thoughts of pleasuring a woman flared my nostrils making me become horrified.

Throughout the years of me being a Jezebel never have I had sexual relations with a woman, my mother has several times and once mentioned that there's nothing more satisfying than tasting the essence of a woman.

She described the taste as being sweet and have her craving for more.

My father agreed and told me that every woman has a different scent. some tasty as apples or smell fresh as spring.

At that age I didn't know what he meant, but when I wasn't allowed the wear certain perfumes I understood that they took away the natural scent of my body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2011 ⏰

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