Chapter 15: The Morning After

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How can someone feel as deeply as I do right now, and not die? I feel like my chest is being ripped in half by the depth of emotions. Sneaking a peek past my shoulder unto his bare back made me throb again. God, he's so gorgeous!

His back slouched a little because of his heavy breathing. I liked watching him sleep. That was the only time I knew he was really mine, the only time I felt as if no one was coming to get him in the morning.

I found my something special, my something that was missing and I had no intent of letting it go. If I could, I would lock him up, never letting him leave me. It hurt to even think about him never coming back, getting shot and bleeding to death on one of his cases. I could not bare the thought of him passing on, I'd probably kill myself. Then again, he was just fired. Now no one can take him away.

He woke up, searching for me with his left hand. I let my fingers slip between his, making a perfect union. »Come back to bed.« I heard him whisper. God, could he be any dreamier?

I slid back under the covers, snuggling as close to him as I could get. He guided our intertwined hands back to his chest, resting them over his heart. I listened to it as he slowly fell back asleep. »I love you, Addy.« He whispered just before passing out. I gasped for air. This was the first time he had said it and it was so romantic. I just wish he hadn't passed out right after that. It really isn't that big a gesture, if you don't wait for the recepient to tell you how he feels about it. And I felt fantastic. With the slow burning pain leaving from my chest, I fell asleep, dreaming about Mike.


Hey y'all! I'm sooo sorry for the short chapter, it's just that it didn't feel right to put it together with the one that is coming up next, so just bear with me, kay? :D

It's probably really boring and just an "update" on their lives but trust me, it's gonna get hella lot more complicated before it's over :)

Love you, munchkins. Ta ta <3

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