Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter's song: Love yoursefl by Justin Beiber

Every Sunday morning, we would wake up early and make breakfast together. Usually waffles or pancakes. Juno would start the coffee as Seth and I started to pile the ingredients on the counter. We would usually fight about who would do what and Juno would ignore us like always. It was our family's tradition.

Today, I got up early to the smell of coffee. I walked out of my room at the same time Seth walked out of the bathroom. His hair was all over the place, his t-shirt completely untucked over his pajama pants. He made me a face as a way of greeting.

"Hello, to you too!"

He groaned in response while I rolled my eyes, but then, his eyes turned mischievous. He shoved me to the side trying to make me fall. "Race you! Whoever wins gets to choose today's breakfast!" He was already halfway down the stairs as he finished screaming.

"That's so not fair!" I ran behind him even though it was pretty obvious I'd lost.

Juno was drinking coffee leaned on the counter gazing at the window deep in thought when I tackled my brother to the floor. "That's cheating, Seth!"

He groaned underneath me. "What do they give you in that school?"

I slapped him on the head. "Big meanie." Standing up, I straightened my Hello Kitty pajama pants as my brother muttered a curse under his breath.

Juno's eyes turned to us. Her lips twitched. "Carlos and I went to the farmer's market yesterday. We got some berries. Oh, I forgot to tell you that he's coming for dinner, too." Seth and I shared a look.

"Is he going to stay over?" Seth asked as he pushed himself to sit on the counter.

"I don't think so. You guys flee." She left the cup on the counter and patted Seth on the leg, "down the counter, sweetie. He'll be here at six. We're making barbecue."

Seth slid off the counter and crossed his arms. "How serious are you two?"

Juno shrugged. "I just want you to meet him. You know," she started to take out a bowl and the flour, "officially." Seth raised an eyebrow but kept whatever snotty remark he wanted to make to himself.

I studied my grandma as she hummed to herself while starting to make waffle batter. "I'm glad you're happy."

She smiled at me. "I've always been happy. I'm just happier." I stepped to the small cabinet on the far corner of the room where we kept our rusty waffle maker when she added, "You should ask chef Bryan to come too."

My feet froze and my eyes widened. "Why?"

Juno didn't look at me as she kept mixing everything together. "He took care of you. It was really nice of him, so I want to invite him over."

"Uhm..." Think of something. Think of something. "I don't have his number."

Her brows furrowed. "Next Friday, then."

"But he's like, this really busy person and─"

Her eyes were set as she calmly repeated. "Next Friday, then."

This was going nowhere. I could come up with another excuse and she'd still ask me to invite him.

Sulking, I muttered, "Yeah. Okay." Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw my stupid brother grinning like crazy.

Juno smiled triumphantly. "Good. It's settled, then."

We had breakfast and talked about our weeks. Seth was starting his new job in a few days and he was pretty excited to start making money. Juno was going to try to make more desserts, and I've never been happier to be my grandmother's guinea pig.

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