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A while later I was playing board games with a guy that worked at the arena but didn't belong to the crew. I met him while I was wandering around enjoying the feeling of being in an empty arena.

"Lia!" I heard my father yelling. 

"Yea?" I asked without taking my eyes off the game.

"Can you help me?" He asked in a rushed tone.

I nodded and followed him to where the technician had their equipment. Yea, my father is also a trained technician and it wasn't the first tour he did. He went on tour with Rita Ora when she wasn't that famous a couple years ago.

I have some technical skills so I would always help my father when he had a job at different events.

"The boys need their headset microphones so could you help me, Jack, Peter & Alec to put them on the boys?"

"Uhm, sure." I nodded my head and Dad thanked me before he took of running with me right behind him.

I met Jack, Peter & Alec next to the stage and Alec filled me in on what to do.

"Okay David does Niall, Jack does Liam, Peter does Zayn, Alec does Louis and Lia will do Harry."

I nodded my head and grabbed the mic that had Harry's name on it.

"The stage lights will go off for good 45 seconds. We have to sprint to them, fix their mics and ran back backstage. Got it?"

Everyone nodded and waited patiently for someone to give us the go sign.

I tucked my '1D CREW' shirt in my pants and pulled my hair up to put it into a messy bun so it wouldn't disturb my while I focuse and doing the one task I was given.

"10 secs."

I suddenly became nervous as I realized that there were hundreds of thousands of people out there and could probabpy see me even though the lights would be off.


Oh shit, here we go.

I took of running onto the stage and towards the boys who where standing in the middle of the stage but more towards the back.

I pulled on Harry's arm to turn him a little since he had his back towards me and began putting his microphone on as quickly as possible without taking even a little glimpse of him.

"So you'll help as technican?" Harry asked me and I nodded my head in response. I cursed under my breath as the wires didn't cooperate with me but I managed.

Now it was time to hide the mic.

"Turn around, please." I ordered nicely. Harry did as told and I lifted his shirt to put the mic under it and clip it to his jeans.

"Just click that button." I explained quickly.

"I know, love." Harry replied and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Don't call me that." I said and pinched his arm.

"Ouch, babe!" Harry whined.

I rolled my eyes and told him that I was done while I was already taking steps to get off the stage.

"Don't go!" He fake cried and reached out to me, making me laugh.

"See you later." I said and shook my head while I laughed. I quickly waved to the other boys before I turned around and suddenly came face to face with what felt like millions of people. Oh my god!

I took deep breaths and ran backstage quickly. That...was terrifying.

"Good job." Peter complimented as dad, Jack & Alec joined us backstage.

"You were fast." Jack pointed out as he took deep breaths. My eyes were still the size of a watermelon and my face most definitely so pale that you would think I've seen a ghost.

"Everything okay?" Dad asked with a chuckle.

I nodded my head and gave him a thumbs up.

"Okay honey, I gotta go but don't do anything stupid alright? See you later." My dad waved and they all left.

I walked around a little before I sat on the floor, leaning against a wall. Everywhere I went I still heard the screaming from all the crazy fans.

"Why are you sitting here alone?" Paul asked me.

"Just chillin' what else should I do?" I replied to him.

"Watch the show?" He suggested but I just shrugged.

"I can hear from here as well." I replied making him chuckle.

"I just suggested it." He said and held his hands up in surrender.

I chuckled and he gestured for me to follow him. I groaned and followed him to the side of the stage. I could see the boys clearly but I wasnt't in the mood to party. My dad woke me up at 6am this morning and I never wake up at that time. Ever.

My dad is homeschooling me since we moved to England and he never taught me anything before 10am. My dad wasn't a morning person either that's why we would always sleep in.

"Only one more song." Paul told me as the boys finished 'Best Song Ever'.

I loved this song since it first came out. I hummed along quietly and watched the performance in awe.

I clapped softly and the boys waved at the crowd.

"GO! GO! GO!" Someone suddenly yelled and people started running towards all kinds of directions.

"Lia!" Niall yelled and waved at me. I waved back and he gestured me to come with him.

I saw dad and he waved for me to go with him. I ran towards him and he took my hand before we ran down a long hall, to the right and down the stairs. I was laughing the whole time and so did Niall because I kept stumbling.

Bodyguards were running before und after the boys & I. So much drama because of them, I don't get it. We turned to the right once again and I saw the tour bus. I heard screaming and saw hundreds of fans running towards the gate.

I froze in my spot but someone picked me up easily and and within seconds I was on the tour bus. I looked at the bodyguard who placed me inside and he gave me a thumbs up before shutting the door.

"One Direction and Lia on board." The driver said into his headset.

"How do you know my name?" I asked the driver curiously.


Whatcha say?


Liam Payne, Josh Hutcherson, Bruno Mars

tell me in the comments :)

On Tour with ONE DIRECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now