Chicago Pd

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(Olivia's POV*)

Although Maya and I aren't close, she is still part of my family and i can't stop feeling sick about her being in pain and hurt.

I am in the passenger seat of Nick's car, we are about 2 ours into the drive to Chicago, we are meeting Chicago PD at a small gas station up the street from the location where the phone call was being pinned off of. 

I know that Carisi and Munch haven't been able to sleep since yesterday when she was taken. We drive as fast as we can with our sirens and lights on. 

*ring ring*

I pick up my phone.

"Benson, Special Victims Unit."

Before the other line could say anything, Carisi stops on the brakes. Then Munch does, and then Nick do. Everyone behind us does too. We all get out of the cars. Carisi and Amanda run back to Munch's car, me and Nick run to Munch's car too.

The person on the other line hangs up.

"What the hell? Whats the matter?" I ask.

"Voight is meeting us here." Carisi says. All of a sudden we here a loud roar of an engine. 

Voights black truck comes pulling around the corner and stops short next to us. Two other trucks pull up behind Voights and they all get out. 

They all come up to us and we all shake their hands. Voight, Ruzek, Lindsay, Dawson, Olinsky, and Halstead, introduce themselves, although we already know each other. This is good that they are helping, because Maya had went and played baseball with them before.

"So the building Maya is being held in, is having a 'party' of some sort. All the people who went in were men. We aren't going to be able to enter the building today." Voight say with a straight face, but we know he feels bad.

"What?! Shouldn't that make it a bigger reason to go in? What if all those guys are going to hurt her?!" Munch screams.

"Well most likely if they are gonna do this to her, they will probably keep her alive for more time." He says. I nod.

"You agree with this?!" Carisi yells.

"Yes i do. Now i know that you are scared for her, but this is better for her life." I reply.

"But what happens with her emotions? She is a wreck now, never mind when we get her back." Carisi states, with tears building in his eyes.

"Listen, before you start getting mad at us, i said today, we are going to go in later tonight, so once all the men start to leave, we can snatch one at a time, so they get the punishment too." I nod.

"Whatever." Munch mumbles as he gets back in his car. 

"So follow us to the point, we are gonna camp out." Olinsky says.

I nod again and we all get back in our cars. We start driving again. What is happening to Maya right now? Is she okay? I hope she is.

(Maya's POV*)

Right when I think im catching a brake, because this guy is getting dressed again, He opens the door, and about 15 large, small, thin, and fat men come walking in. They all have money in their hands. 


They all line up in a row, and then the first guy comes. He happens to be smiling. 

"Come on sweet heart." he grabs my wrist and pulls me into the other room. He has a backpack.

In the room there is a mattress and a chair, he tells me to lay down on the mattress. I do. I need to listen to him, or he will hurt me more than what he intends too. He pulls out a hammer. 

"Lay down sweetie." He says. I do, but i start to shake and cry. He pulls down my pants and with out any warning stick the wooden end into me. I stings and every so often i feels like pins because im getting so many splinters. He keeps doing it, and then i start to sob. He takes it out, and puts himself into me. It hurts so bad, the splinters go in deeper and deeper. When he is done, he leaves me laying there. 

The the next guy come in and does the same thing with a broom handle.

This continues with different objects, such as a beer bottle, a trophie, and a barbie doll. Some guys do this and some guys put stuff in my mouth. I sob, then the last guy comes in. He has a pistol. He puts it in me. He tells me to kiss him. I say no. He pulls the trigger. Nothing happens.

"This is like russian roulette, but im only gonna pull the trigger if you dont obey." I nod and kiss him. Im so scared. He finally finishes but doesnt shoot me. He leaves. Then the same guy that i have been with comes in. 

"Okay thats it for tonight. We will see you tomorrow morning. Rest up." He says. Once he leaves, i put my pants and sweatshirt on. I curl up into a ball and sob. Then I hear a big bang.

(Carisi's POV*)

We arrive at the place, and it is 5 at night. There are at least 12 cars parked outside. I start to get nervous. We all get into different position for the night. Every time a man would come out, who ever was closest would grab him and somebody would take him to the station. 

Once 15 men come out and we snatch them, the last guy comes out.

I tackle him when he starts running.

"Your here for that brat Maya huh? Well go ahead and take her, she isn't fun anyways, i fucked her with a pistol, she didn't like it, it wasnt to enjoyable for me either." He makes me sick. I push him to the ground and kick him in the balls. Then i shove him into the car and they take him away. 

We all nod to each other, and we go up to the door. We don't even shout our rights and crash through the door. It makes a loud bang type sound.

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