Chapter 11: Oh Crap... literally (E)

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Chapter 11

“Shotgun!” I called as I walked towards the car and Adrian walked around to the passenger’s side and opened the door but quickly let go of the handle. His hand was soaked in syrup and I snorted. I can’t believe it lasted that long!

“Really? You did this door, too?” He gave me a flat look. I smiled innocently as he rolled his eyes but walked inside to wash his hands. He came outside with a glove and a sponge. He put on the plastic glove and used the sponge to rip the syrup packet out from under and he washed the side of the car and under the handle before he threw out the glove and sponge. He opened the door for me and I sat down.

“Who are we picking up?” I asked nervously. I fidgeted in my seat. His friends would probably laugh at me. I suddenly had the urge to unbuckle my seat belt and crawl inside of my house.

“We’re making one stop to Chase’s house. Trent and Logan are there, too.” He explained, smirking at me as he turned on the AC. He must’ve seen my discomfort as we drove in silence towards the boy’s house. I learned something new about boys, today: they get ready in groups, too.

When we stopped at a medium sized cottage-like house, Adrian honked the horn twice. Through the tinted windows of the car, I saw three boys escape from the house and I locked the door. I heard one of them call ‘Shotgun’ and they began approaching the car. I sunk in my seat. I felt as if I didn’t belong. Adrian shot me a smile as I felt my stomach drop towards my ankles. Someone attempted to open the passenger door.

“Ocupado,” I awkwardly replied. Adrian snorted as the backdoor was whipped open and two boys piled into the car and one of them reached forward and pulled up the small stub that locked and unlocked the door. The passenger door opened and the kid unknowingly ducked under to sit on me but I screeched. “I said ‘Ocupado!’” I cried out.

The kid quickly retracted his bottom and turned to look at me. He quickly looked at Adrian who was quietly scrolling through his phone. He gave me a questioning look as he brushed away his brown hair.

“Who are you?” A kid from the back asked. I coughed lightly before turning and introducing myself.

“I’m Fiona.” I quietly announced. They stared at me like I was wearing all black on the hottest day of the summer. What a great analogy. I totally get your point. 

“Oh yeah, I forget to tell you guys. Fiona’s going to be driving with us.” Adrian simply replied, starting the car up. The boy just stood there with his arms crossed, watching me.

“Get in the car, Chase.” Adrian looked at the boy, who I’m guessing is Chase.  

“Tell her to get in the back seat.” Chase demanded. I raised my eyebrows.

“I called ‘Shotgun’ first; therefore your argument is invalid.” I crossed my arms childishly.

“That’s not fair. Adrian, tell her.” Chase cried out, pointing at me.

“She did call ‘shotgun’ first, so deal with it and sit in the back with Logan and Trent.” Adrian informed. The boy glared at me one last time.

“I don’t like you.” He sneered. I smiled innocently before replying.

“Have fun with that.” I slammed the door shut, barely missing him. Adrian smirked at me.

“I apologize for Chase’s rude behavior.” Trent spoke from the back seat as Chase snorted while looking out the window.

“I’m used to it,” I said, looking at Adrian with a pointed look before turning back to Trent with a smile. “He’s the worst neighbor ever.”

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