Chapter 7

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Murray hated talking to his superiors but Albert at least listened to him. So he did his duty and waited for him to finish his paperwork before expecting to get any attention. The ticking clock on the desk was beginning to make him sleepy by the time Albert finished getting a report from another team leader. But the moment his name was spoken, he had to snap himself out of it to pay attention. "Sorry about that. The team leader I was on the phone to, in Spain, has failed once again to fill out the necessary paperwork concerning work accidents." Albert complained with a sigh. He had just been e-mailed a complaint from one of the lower team members complaining about the cost of his medical bills, when the agency were supposed to cover those eventualities.

"It's always difficult controlling new team leaders boss. It's never once been easy." Murray admitted that controlling teams of different personalities was the most difficult thing he had ever done for the agency. What he didn't expect, was to hear Albert admit that he agreed.

"How true. You've always handed each situation that came your way much better than I could." Albert smiled at him. It was the kind of compliment Murray was never comfortable with, especially from the boss, so he covered it by passing it off.

"That's only because I don't take any nonsense sir. It's nothing on your handling of the situation." He didn't want to seem like a suck up, but he also didn't want to start the conversation on a bad footing. He sensed that Albert wanted to tell or ask him something important, but he just couldn't understand what.

"Thank you Murray, that's good to know. Now what is distressing you so much?" Albert tried to change the subject by reminding Murray that he had requested the meeting to begin with. For that Murray sighed and thought about where to start. There was a lot he had to say to his boss and a lot he didn't want to say; so he started with the easy things and let his mouth keep talking.

"I'd like your permission to approach the New York team and give them a heads up. I've had to send out some of my own team to deal with a private matter and I'd rather they didn't interfere or take it the wrong way." Murray began talking, sure that Albert wasn't going to like what he had to say. But rules were rules and what he was asking was a matter of good cooperation between conflicting teams. The rules were, no team entered another team's area unless with high up authority or conflicting cases. What he was asking went against everything they had ever agreed upon.

"Private matter?" Albert repeated with a question in his voice. Murray knew he had to explain.

"Yes sir. As you said, we've been keeping an eye on Reed Devereaux ever since his retirement just in case he ever agrees to come back. Unfortunately, his wife has been kidnapped once again, by that Blake Remington fellow. The FBI were supposed to have dealt with him after the last escapade but it seems they let him out and he's stirring up trouble again for Reed." He explained calmly, not even needing to refer to his notebook. He was so surrounded by Reed and his mishaps that he barely forgot a single detail. Why the man, in retirement, couldn't stay away from criminals, was beyond him.

"I see. And naturally, you sent the team that know Reed best to help him recover his wife and deal with the situation. Excellent. Like you say, if we ever expect him to come back, these displays of loyalty towards him and his family will only work in our favor" Albert fully agreed with Murray's assessment of the situation. He always seemed to know exactly what was going on, especially when it came to Reed. Though they had an unusual animosity between them, he seemed to know his old agent inside out. That was why Murray was his best handler.

"I do have one concern. If you wouldn't mind explaining why you don't like Reed, I'd feel more comfortable giving you the control of anything that goes on during their job." He felt mildly uncomfortable about allowing Reed back into the agency, under Murray's control, if the pair were going to resume their dislike of each other with a new heat. The situation had been tense before. If they resumed their working relationship just because trouble continued to find Reed, against his will, then it was likely to be a very bad idea to put them back together again.

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