Chapter Forty-two

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I blinked and felt someone's arms engulfing me. Thera was murmuring something next to me and it took me a second to regain my surroundings once more. I had only fainted for a few moments, but someone was already carrying me. I was hoping that I didn't create a scene or cause panic. The last time I had interfered with Meilin's dealing with an enemy, I had managed to attract the entire room's attention. I silently prayed that wasn't the case this time.

"What? She's with child," the man hissed. His voice was familiar but with a sinking heart, I realized it wasn't Meilin. "Thera, what were you thinking—"

"Bohai?" My eyelids fluttered and I peered up at his alarmed expression and saw that it was, indeed, Bohai who was carrying me. His brown hair was frazzled, as if he had run his hand through it many times, and his dark eyes held something dark within them. When he saw me, his expression grew more irritated.

"Bohai saw you faint and carried you out of the room while Master was still handling the whole affair," Thera offered as an explanation. "Master doesn't even know that you were there."

"With the state he's in, I doubt he would care," Bohai grumbled as we walked down the hall. His brows came together as he looked down at me and he sighed heavily. His annoyance was clear as day but he was trying to hide it. "Lady Daiyu, is it true that you're pregnant?"

I swallowed down my nausea before answering. "Yes. Roughly three months."

Bohai exhaled loudly. His shoulders were tense and he stiffened at my words. "You should've told us. We would've taken better care of you." His lips thinned out and his eyes flashed with anger. "You have to take better care of yourself—"

"Bohai," Thera snapped. "You can't talk to her that—"

"Thera." Bohai's eyes were dark and Thera's mouth clamped shut from the command in his tone. He was livid. His hardened gaze flickered to me and I couldn't believe the amount of control and authority in his tone. He was usually laidback, but this was the first time I had heard him speak with such power. He sounded like a Commander, for once. "Lady Daiyu, Meilin isn't the only one who knows how to get angry," he said through clenched teeth. "You shouldn't have seen any of that."


"You shouldn't have too much stress on you. You'll lose the baby if you stress too much; seeing something as gruesome as that without being used to it will put you under tremendous stress. You couldn't handle bloodshed when you weren't pregnant; what makes you think you can when you are pregnant?" His tone was harsh but his words were true. He cast a glare at Thera when she opened her mouth to say something. She remained silent. "With everything that's happening, I don't have the patience to deal with you trying to overcome your fear. Too much stress can cause you to miscarry and it will threaten your life. Meilin wouldn't be able to handle that with what's happening right now."

I sniffled, bringing a hand to my eyes and swiping at them. They burned with unshed tears and I felt so lost right now. Everything was happening so suddenly. I knew he was telling the truth and I knew that I was foolish for trying to muster strength at the wrong time, but I could only think of Vita and what she was probably going through at this point. "Poor Vita," I mumbled as fresh tears welled in my eyes. "She doesn't deserve any of that. She doesn't—"

Bohai and Thera were both silent as I cried, none of them offering words of comfort. I knew that they were suffering more than I was right now. Thera had grown up with Vita, side by side, and treated her like a sister. Bohai, on the other hand, had helped Meilin raise her as if he was an older brother. Vita was like a little sister to him. He was, no doubt, just as angry as Meilin was and the rest of the Peccata was.

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