Chapter Eight

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    "Lilith, this is not a game. Do not wander off like an insolent child," Ward scolded her in the dark.

            "I thought I-" her eyes strained against the dark, but when she noticed Ward watching her peculiarly, she straightened and realizing what he had said, felt her temper flare. "You've made it quite clear that this is not a vacation, so do me a favor and lighten up, and don't chastise me." She stomped away from him before her temper could get the best of her.

            She wondered what angered her more, the fact that he treated her like a child or that he insisted on parenting her in ways that were clearly not his forte. She was perfectly capable of taking care of herself; she had done so for many years.

            Why did she come? She wondered thoughtfully as she slid quietly into the backseat of the jeep. She continued to tell herself that she didn't need him but she knew, deep down, that abandoned child longed for her father.

As Ward slipped in beside her, she chanced a glance at him. This man, the scientist, with his determined scowl and heavy brow, was not her father; he was a different man, a man she was uncertain to know. He confounded her, at times it appeared he wanted to make amends, and then, he did things way out of the left field, making her question her reason for being here.

The ride back to the hotel was silent and from her point of view, awkward. He appeared blissfully unaware as he entertained the binder in his lap.

When they finally pulled up onto the curve, she didn't wait for the driver to assist her; truly, she felt it completely foolish to have someone help her out of the vehicle when she could do it all her own. She started into the lobby and was surprised to hear Ward call her name.

She would have kept walking, wanted too in fact, but that small part of her that was very unlike her, demanded she stop.

She turned and crossed her arms against her chest as Ward approached her. He studied her a moment before saying, "You did well tonight. Tomorrow, the real work begins."

He didn't offer an apology, nor would she ask for one. She merely nodded and proceeded towards the stairs.

As she made her way to her room, she wondered if she should return to Cove Neck and forget all this. She swiped her key card and the little light blinked green. Was she making a big deal out of nothing? She groaned inwardly as she slipped into her room and closed the door firmly behind her.

She needed a hot, soothing bath, something to chase away the remnants of today. She was beginning to feel lost in her own body. She was thinking things that usually never bothered her, imagining things that clearly weren't there, and dreaming of things that just, possibly couldn't be.

Yes, a bath is what she needed.

As she ran her bath water, she walked to her room and grabbed a set of clothes to sleep in. She tossed them on the bed and moved to flip the television on. When her fingers hovered over the remote, she pulled away. Why was she falling back into her Cove Neck routine? She was in Romania, why not do things contrary to what she would normally do.

            Smiling to herself, she crossed the room to the telephone and called for room service. She undressed and slipped into her robe. She walked to the bathroom and settled onto the brim of the tub and waited until it filled nearly to the edge.

            When her food arrived, she set the silver tray on a small wooden table and lifted the lid. She laughed when her eyes settled on the perfectly trimmed PB&J. Whoever had taken the time to make her midnight sandwich, no matter how ridiculously simple it may be, certainly took extra care in snipping the parchment paper in an intricate pattern.

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