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10. No Prince Charming to Save Me Now

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I remembered the day.

April 21, 2012. The day I had been looking forward to for the entire year. The day that every single freshman had been looking forward to the entire year.

The day the school dance was to be held on and the one time that the school faculty had allowed both the freshman year and the sophomore year to have their own dance, because they never did. Of course there was a curfew of ten for both years but it was still better than having no dance night at all.

I remembered how I'd been waiting for a guy to come up to me, make a huge show of chocolate and flowers and ask me to be their date, whilst recounting a line from Romeo and Juliet or even a line from Twilight.

I even went so far as putting on the blush mom had gotten for me, the one I'd refused to put on at all because it made me feel weird. I constantly dreamed about the day my Prince Charming would ask me to be their date. I even went so far as to put on a face to the mystery guy.

Rhys Daniels, the MVP soccer player that was in junior year.

Evan Phillips, the quiet mystery guy that sat in front of me during Math, who asked me for a pencil many times.

Or even Jacob Waters, the school quarterback who even in my dreams was untouchable.

But no one ever did ask me to be their date to the school dance. And just when the dance was one week away, I started to worry. 

What if I had no date at all? I couldn't go without a date.

I even had the aquamarine unbalanced dress ready with the matching shoes and the jewelry.

Just when I thought all hope was lost, Frank asked me to be his date. Of course he assured me that we were going only as friends, but I was still glad whatsoever. I was so glad that I didn't even bother to ask him whether Fiona Davidson had really asked him to be her date. At least that was the rumor going around in class, that he was going with Fiona. But he couldn't have been if he was asking me out now, at least that's what I'd thought at the time.

On the night of the dance, mom dropped us off outside the school hall and Frank opened the door for me, making sure the lower half of my dress didn't touch the ground as he led me towards the entrance.

I remembered asking him if I looked okay.

I remembered hearing him chuckle as he looked me up and down. Then he leaned in and without further hesitation, he replied, "You look like Dory from Finding Nemo..." then he smiled genuinely before adding, "but a really good-looking one."

I pathetically punched his arm before we continued on our way towards the entrance.

"It's going to be okay, Liz," he'd whispered to me as soon as I took a silent deep breath, hoping he didn't notice, which he did. "I'm here for you and always will be."

As soon as I got out of my mom's car, I wanted to jump back in and get mom to drive me back home.

What was I thinking, letting mom drag me here?

I couldn't do this. I couldn't and I just...couldn't.

Those words said in those memories were just words said to reassure me. They didn't mean a thing now. They were just words, words long forgotten.

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