The Order Of Geist: The Journals Of Crescendo River Asylum

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I awoke in a dark room, not sure where I was. it wasn't exactly quiet; I heard noises that I couldn't quite make out. "where the hell am I?" I thought to myself. I tried to stand up;

i immediately went back down.

I was dizzy; was I drugged? I couldn't remember!

"hello? anyone here?"

I asked, not exactly

sure if I wanted an answer.

then I heard a *click*.

it was the door unlocking! even though I felt like I had a monster hangover, I had to get out of here!

before I got up I heard something hit the floor...wasn't sure what it was, but I walked over to the door. I tripped slightly on what appeared to be a bag of some sort. I felt around for it, and unzipped the bag. I slowly searched it. I felt 3 things: one was a flashlight, a book of some sort, and a gun; fully loaded.

I turned on the flashlight, it wasn't very bright. I searched around and noticed that the room looked like a prison cell. was I in jail? why? what had I done? I looked at the book. it was a journal. "property of Zane McManus." it said. is that me? am I this guy? I honestly couldn't remember. I'd have to look at it later!

my first priority is getting out of here! I picked up the gun...


something about this gun was familiar. is it mine? was I a cop? some sort of vigilante? no idea whatsoever. I opened the door, slowly walking forward. I shined the light around me, it was a hall, with what looked like more rooms.

this wasn't a prison, it looked more like a hospital.

asylum maybe?

thet then I saw another light looming towards me. I quickly raised my gun.

"back up motherfucker, unless you wanna have a new hole in your head!".

the light stopped moving.

"'t shoot!"

a shaky voice said.

I shined my light at it. it was a girl, couldn't have been a day over 18, if even.

" who are you?" I asked, still unsure if she was a threat or not. "My name is Freya Lyebourne, But people call me Lye. and you?"

I honestly didn't remember my name, but I thought about that journal I found. "Zane; Zane McManus, I think." I said. "you think?" she responded sarcastically.

"I don't know, I can't really remember. I found this journal in a bag in that room, and it said it belonged to someone named Zane Mcmanus, so I guess that's me." I explained, still unsure.

"hmm. well I found a bag too, but no journal, I never kept one, didn't have much to say. but, I did find this dagger, and this lantern. which the lantern, i can understand. but the dagger seems a bit out of place, in here, don't ya think?" I wasn't sure what was going on, I had to know more.

"where IS here? do you know?" i asked, hoping she would.

"yeah, we're in Crescendo River, it's a state funded home for the mentally fucked, in the town of Sanctuary Falls. ring any bells?".

actually, it did.

after hearing it, I remembered the name Sanctuary Falls, but why?

"why are we here? am I crazy?"

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