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Khalid- Location


After a few hours and a whole lot of phone calls, we found two kids the same age that had gone missing from a hospital three months ago. One was sixteen and the other was nineteen. There were no pictures to tell us which one we had, We called in one of the parents to come identify the body. 

They are part of Alpha Reese's pack and agreed to come immediately. Sally lead them into the room and they both came out with grim expressions. Sally shook her head which broke my heart knowing that the little boy in there was part of my dad's best friend's pack. I didn't want to make the call. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Depree," I greeted them. "I'm alpha Martak Novak,"

"We know who you are. Thank you for calling," Mr. Depree said with a sad smile on his face.

"We're going to continue the investigation. If these people have your son I will personally make sure to give you any news regarding him. I will bring him back to you no matter what," I didn't want to say dead or alive.

"Thank you," Mrs. Depree sobbed throwing her arms around me. I embraced her as tenderly as I could. 

"I know that no words will feel of comfort Mrs. Depree. I am sorry for what is happening to you and your family. I will help in any way that I can," she nodded into my shirt before she moved over to her mate. Once everyone had left all that was left was Steele who looked like he was thinking really hard about something. Reese had left before we had come out of the morgue. He said something had come up.

"This is shady," he finally said. "I think we need to pay Oak Grove a visit along with the hospital they disappeared from,"

"First we have to call the Stevenson family,"

"Want me to take care of it?"

"Would you? I feel like I've given so much bad news today and I don't want to give the King the bad news myself,"

"Of course,"

"I know this is bad timing alpha but I need you to come inside and eat something. Both of you. You can make your call afterward," Cameron said reminding me I hadn't eaten since I had come home yesterday.

As soon as I walked in Amy and Annie came over and hugged me. I leaned into them needing their hugs so much. I felt my throat close up and my eyes warm with tears. They both took my hands one either side and lead us into the kitchen where a couple of sandwiches awaited us. Amy brought a knife and cut mine into four squares just how I liked it.

"How do you like yours, alpha Steele?" she asked. 

"Split from corner to corner," he smiled.

"Nathan and Cam like it that too," she smiled as she cut his sandwich. "Thank you for helping Miss personality over here,"

"Go away," I said rolling my eyes and taking a piece of my sandwich.

"See what I mean," she giggled after handing us both a soda.

"Mommy da baby is cwying and daddy is going cwazy," Jr shouted running into the kitchen. "Hi, awwty alpha lady,"

"Sup, kid. Have you eaten?" I asked. 

"Yes, but I wood like a chippy pwease," he said climbing up on my lap and taking a Dorito.

"Can you watch him for like a few minutes while I run this bottle up to Nate?" Amy asked shaking a baby bottle in her hands.

"Yeah, he's cool," I said pulling the plate towards Jr.

"Jay, this is alpha Steele," I said as she left the room.

"Nice to meet you, Mistow. Alpha Steele," he said with a mouth full of Doritos.

"Nice to meet you too Jay," Steele smiled at him.

"My name is actwally Nathan Junior that's why evewy body calls me Jay," he said making Steele laugh.

"Well, my name is Wayne. Steele is my last name,"

"Wayne like Batman? Awe you secwetly Batman? I'm sowy don't answo that. Batman can neva weveal his identity to anyone Mistow. Wayne," I looked away so that I wouldn't laugh directly at them. The complications with Amy's first pregnancy didn't stop with her. It left Jay with a speech impairment that is way too cute for his own good.

"Alright, Sammy is down," Amy said walking in. "He wasn't too bad was he?"

"Not at all," both Steele and I said at the same time. Amy reached for Jr. He pushed himself up so she could have easier access to picking him up.

"Goodbye Mistow. Wayne," he whispered.

"Goodbye Junior. It will be our little secret right champ?" Jr's eyes almost jumped out of his skull and his smile is wicked wide.

"Cool," he said and crossed his heart. Steele did the same thing.

"Cute kid," he said looking over at me.

"He will live the rest of his childhood thinking he knows who Batman is," I said finishing my sandwich.

"One day, I'll dress up like Batman and bring him something cool so he will love me the rest of his life," I burst out laughing as I put both of our plates in the sink and rinsed them off.

"So, who is responsible for Sally?" I smiled.

"I am proud to say that my mother is responsible for her,"

"Really?" he asked looking up at me questioningly.

"Yeah, Sally's mom was a rogue that was passing by. She was wounded really bad and Sally was a few months younger than my brother Mathew. Her mom died on my mom's surgery table. Turns out that Sally was Matt's mate. The year before he would have become the next alpha her father found her and my brother died protecting her,"

"Fuck," he said mostly to himself. "I didn't know you had a brother. How old were you?"

"I was twelve. After that, she kind of just kept close to my mom down at the clinic. When my mom died she just kind of stays there. I want her to come up here get out. You know with me and Amy but not one of us has been able to get her out of there. We just let it be she's been through a lot since Matt died,"

"So have you and you aren't a shut-in," he said as I lead him into my study.

"That's because I can't afford to be. I'm the alpha now. I have responsibilities and lives to take care of,"

"She was going to be a Luna she should be up here helping you,"

"She does her part. If I were a dude she'd probably still be my Luna. She takes care of all of us from inside medical," I said sitting down at my desk. 

"You like protecting people don't you?"

"Isn't that what it means to be an alpha?"

"Yeah, and  you're forgetting about something very important," 

"And what might that be?"

"You have the right to take care of yourself as well. You may be giving your pack what it needs to the point but so as long as you don't get what you need giving them what they need isn't enough. Not for them and definitely not for you. They want you to be just as happy as they are,"

"My pack makes me happy,"

"For now,"

"When now is over I'll deal with it," I smiled. "Now back to reality Mr. Wayne,"

"Right, I have a call to make. Here are the surveillance videos from my security cameras. My beta put them on a USB for you," he handed me the bullet he had pulled out earlier. I looked it over wondering what was hidden in the kid's body.

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