Chapter Nineteen

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  • Dedicated to Mum. You've never supported my dreams, but I still love you. ♥

Aiden's POV:

Stupid Kacy. Why? I thought as I fled to my right. I went with my gut feeling, and just ran that way. I wasn't even sure where I was going, and how I was going to find her but I had a bad feeling. And my feelings were always right. I stopped outside the girls toilet, how do I get in there? I'm not entering it.

Some girl, much younger than me by the looks of it, stopped outside and stared at me cautiously. Probably wondering what I was doing. I had the urge to laugh, but I couldn't. I had to stay serious.

"Can you go in there and just scream Kacy, for me?" I pleaded the girl.

She stared at me for a second, trying to absorb what I had just said and then went into the toilets. "KACY!" She said, then walked out, shaking her head.

"Oh.. sorry about that. Aiden, btw," I said, hurryingly throwing my hand out. She took it gracefully, cold to the touch.


"Good to meet you!" I yelled, as I evacuated the place. She didn't reply. Obviously, not impressed to meet me. Oh well, you know how girls are. Weird.

So she wasn't in the toilet? Where else could she be? Maybe the gym? I doubt she'd be aloud there during school times, and there was no reason for her to be there... but, it was worth a try.

And waste of time, I thought to myself.

I left the building, and walked through the huge playground to the leisure centre. I swiped my card onto the door, and it opened. I quietly ran through the buliding, to the stairs. I took each step with cautious, in case there was teacher. Then I glanced through the gym, no one.

There were so many other girl toilets in school, how was I going to get to all of them?

There was on in the history/media/art block, there was two in the music/child development block, there was two more in the english/maths quad and then three in the leisure centre.

Okay... maybe I should start with the leisure centre ones.. since I was closer to them at the moment. I was scared a teacher would be around, so I have to sneak around. I looked at the girl toilets, but there was no one around.

"Kacy?" I quietly- shouted, trying not to sound too loud.

No reply.

"If you're there, tell me now or I'll jump off these steps and you know I don't lie."

No reply.

Okay, she wasn't there. I'm sure Kacy wouldn't want me to jump off the stupid steps. I walked off, the other side of the leisure centre was the other toilets, and then one on the top floor.

I had to call Jay, maybe she was back in class. Walking into the boy toilets, and going into one of the cubticles, I got my phone out. Ignoring all the notifications, I dialled Jay's number. Within 2 rings he picked up.

"You found her?"

"No.. she isn't back, is she?"

"No!" He cried.

"Well, I'm checking the girl toilets and she's nowhere here. How much time is there left for the lesson to finish?"

"30 minutes. Hurry up, Aide. Please. Ok, got to hang up. Class." And before I could reply, he was gone.

Right, I was in this alone. I ran to the toilets.

"Kacy? If you're in there, let me know. Please? Jay's dying."

That would get her to reply. No.. reply.

Damn it.

"Excuse me?" I heard a voice from behind. I froze up, my blood running cold. I didn't turn back, I legged it down the corridor. "Come here, young man!"

Once I reached the leisure centre doors, I fled through them - all the way back to the maths quad. I've always tried these toilets, and now the english ones.

Why was I checking toilets? She could be anywhere! It just seem to make more sense if she was in the toilets...

I hated Kacy. Why did she put so much stress on me and Jay? God, all she thought about was herself. She never realise how much she meant to us. Fuck her. Why search for her?

All the care for her left my body, and feeling much more relieved I went back to class.

Jay, on the other hand, was not impressed.

"Why did you come back?" He demanded. I was standing by his desk, the whole class was oblivious, they were screaming, talking among themselves.

"Why shall I care? Why the hell is she going around being a total bitch?"

"How is she being a bitch?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"She knows how much this would affect you. Then, why? She disappears. Bet she's lazing at home, crying."

"Let me show you something," he simply said, ignoring everything I said. He pulled out a favourited page, and he let me read it.

It was just about a bipolar episode and the risks. I read every bit, and every word - and then re-read it. My mind seem to stop working for a second. I understood why Jay would be so worried...

But, I still didn't care. I'm not wasting my time.

"She's your best friend," Jay begged, "she trusts you to be with her right now. Help her out, she's hurting."

"Seriously.. where shall I look?"

I felt so cold, but I really couldn't be bothered. It's like I was finally over her, over her selfish ways. 

"Um.. I don't know," he finally answered.

"I'm gonna check at home." I said,



"How are you going to get out?" He questioned.

"I will work it out. I'm a cool guy," I grinned, feeling pretty proud of myself as I walked out of the class, once again.

This time, I promised myself I will come back to Kacy. No matter what. 

Walking pretty confidently to the gates, I put my hoodie on, over my face so the CCTV cameras won't record me. Searching quickly through the school for anyone who was watching, I bolted it through the gates and out. I ran to my car, unlocking it as fast as I could, starting it up and driving away.

No one saw. I'm safe. I need to calm my nerves. Putting the radio on, I tried to sing along to the words but they messed up together and I sounded like a wreck.

I've never been so scared to get out of the school, so why was I now?

"Shut up. You're a man," I said, battling against the tears wanting to pour out. No, never. I'm strong. Why am I crying? Why? 

It's because you're trying to hard to convince yourself that you don't care about Kacy. Admit it, you still love her.. deeply.

I pulled up outside my house, throwing my hoodie behind and then walking out of the car. I walked to the front door, checking the little plant where I kept the spare key. Kacy knew I have it, in case she needs it.

It wasn't there. She's inside, for sure. Feeling pretty proud of myself, I got the keys out of my pocket, and unlocked the door.

I walked in, throwing it on the table.

"Kacy?" I asked.

No reply.

"Jay's dying. He needs you, come out now. You're okay."

No reply.

I could just search my own house, that wasn't hard. I walked into the living room, not finding Kacy but finding my mum.

And a empty bottle of pills laying besides her.


Ending chapter tomorrow. Going to be max. 8 pages hopefully ^^'

I'm going to miss it :(


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