40.5: A Honey Pancake For You

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[To Brandon and Tyler] One thing you haven't told each other.

Tyler: One thing I haven't told him... I have his name saved as 'The Naked Guy' in my phone. *sheepish* I mean, what was I supposed to do when he never wore a shirt?

Brandon: We used to have a class together two years ago. I remember her sticking close to her only friend. She either was always bullied or out of school for a competition. We never talked and I feel guilty for not approaching her any sooner.

[To Liam, Seth and Leo] What is your favourite pass time? (Except swimming)

Liam: I like to play Basketball. I was in the state team when I was younger.

Seth: Dating *winks*

Leo: *looking at Seth* You mean $#%.

*sounds of someone being dragged out of the studio*

[To everyone] You are given the chance to change one thing in your life. What will you change?

Tyler: I want to change my last moments with my father. It was stupid and I was young. I wish I could redo it. So I can tell him that I love him, and don't regret not saying it my whole life.

Brandon: I wish I had the courage to approach Tyler sooner. It makes me sad that she went through so much with no one at her side. I am positive I would have taken better care of her. Better than someone else.

Liam: I would change the existence of my crazy twin. Only if we didn't look alike. He's seriously too much trouble.

Seth: *offended* You know what? I'll change you! Just turn into a toad or something.

Bella: *bored expression* What would I want to change? *few minutes of silence* I had make my parents more understanding.

Leo: *distant voice* I promise I'll change. Please open the door! Guys?

[To Bella and Tyler] What would you do if you wake up in each other's body?

Bella: *shudders* I'd rather die. But for her sake, I'll stand up to all her bullies, and show them, me included, who the real bitch is.

Tyler: Come on. She's a billionaire with a killer body. I'll probably develop a girl crush on myself. It'll be hard to not be narcissistic. Of course, that extra money would be great for charity, or... shoes.

[To Brandon, Tyler, Bella, and Giulia] When did you first realize you had fallen for each other?

Brandon: When we first went to the beach. My foot was sprained, I couldn't walk. We didn't have a car, so she cycled us to the breakfast bar. It felt weird. My hands wrapped around her waist. Her small smiles, and playful teasing; those attracted me. I think it was around that time when I first fell for her. Not in love, but something exciting and closer. I liked her, yeah, since then.

Tyler: There was an attraction from the starting. I won't lie. Like I liked Liam, but then I liked Brandon. But I think it was genuine, and not just a superficial crush. I enjoyed his short shy moments too much to be healthy. If I have to pinpoint the moment I fell for him. Hmm, I think I realized it that day at the Fair.

Bella: I always knew I liked her. She was with me through the hardest of the times. Accepting that I liked a girl in front of anyone was the hardest thing in my life. Though, I'll never regret proposing to her.

Giulia: Bella was lonely. I erased that fact. In the way, we fell for each other, irrevocably and hard.

[To Tyler] Is your first love Francis or Brandon?

Tyler: If we talk about the order, then yes, Francis would be the 'first'. But for us girls, our first love isn't the first boy we fall in love with. Our first love is the moment when we first fall for the boy we are in love with. Does that make sense? *awkward laugh*


Drop your questions in the comments section and that character will answer it for you!

Eg: (To Tyler) Do people stereotype you for being a redhead?


In the whole interview, there is one part that I love so much! Can you guess which one?

Baking With Boys |✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें