Just What I Needed (26)

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 “Coffee, two creams and two sugars,” Keely proclaimed.

Seth just made a distracted sound in the back of his throat, blindly snatching the mug from her hand.

Frowning at him, she flung herself into her seat. “No need to say thank you or anything, it wasn't like I just made you a coffee or something,” muttered she grumpily, turning her gaze through to the booth where Marco was playing the bass.

He sent her a smirk, making Keely blink at him having thought he wouldn't hear.

“Oh, I'm so very thankful, Staub,” Seth replied, sounding amused.

“Bloody well better be,” she told him, her eyes narrowing.

Shaking his head slightly, he redirected his gaze to through the window again.

Marco was in the middle of the bass track, his eyes slightly unfocused as he played, the headphones covering his ears. Unconsciously, Keely felt her foot begin to tap on the ground as she raised the cup to her lips. A smile touched her lips as she watched Marco, he hadn't even noticed her reappearance in the studio, so engrossed in playing.

Yet her gaze was stolen from the boy playing bass to the one sitting beside her in the studio. He'd taken a sip from the mug, and the winced, not trying to hide his reaction at all.

Before she could snap at him to get his own coffee next time, Seth leaned forward, pressing down upon the intercom button. “Marco... hey, Marco! Yeah, we're dropping this track, too much finger noise, let's do it again.”

Bashfully, Keely began tapping her foot again.

Marco, on the other hand, had ripped off his headphones, letting go of the bass guitar and glowering at them through the glass. “Seriously? You want me to it again, are you trying to kill me or something, Seth?”

“Stop being a drama queen,” replied Seth, very much unaffected as he took a sip from his coffee. “Let's just start from the beginning.”

“My fingers are going to start bleeding soon! This is like the twentieth take!”

When neither of them replied, Marco changed tactics, whining, “Keely!”

Chewing on her bottom lip, she tried to hold in the grin, but failed awfully. “Sorry, Stevenson, I agree with Seth on this one. The finger noise was loud...”

“I hate both of you sometimes,” he mumbled, but fixed his headphones all the same.

“Aw, don't hurt my feelings,” Keely said, still finding that she was smiling. Maybe she was being a bit mean to Marco, getting him to play it again, but she did want the track for the club song, which they'd named For You, the song was becoming her baby. She and Seth had been spending all their time on the song for the past three days, and she hadn't even recorded the vocals yet.

Anyways, it was nice to see someone else in the sound booth, being tortured by redoing a track over and over again, and then about another million times.

An hour later, they'd finally gotten a track that Seth deemed appropriate.

And it found them at their base of the little kitchen. Keely had boosted herself onto a counter top, leaning her back against a cabinet drinking from a water bottle, while Seth made more coffee and Marco stood on the other side of the island from them, putting on his jacket.

“Okay, I'm going to go eat something,” Marco decided, flipping the collar of his dark jacket. “Want to come, guys?”

She was about to say yes, her stomach was already jittering uneasily, only containing the granola bar she'd eaten for breakfast before running to the studio and copious cups of coffee. She could really use something of substance inside her.

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