Part 31

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"Yes, I checked into the hotel. I'm heading to a meeting now," Claire said over the phone, her voice sounding breathy. "What did you have for lunch, Lee?"

"Well, we haven't eaten yet," I said, tucking my blow-dried hair behind my ears.

"Leena, it's almost 3:00," she chastised, her words punctuated by sounds of traffic. "And you haven't had lunch yet?"

"Sorry, sorry," I muttered, twisting a loose fibre on the sheets spread over my bed. "I'll get pizza right now."

Claire didn't respond. If not for the hustle and bustle of Washington DC that I heard through my phone, I would have thought that she had hung up.

"Don't worry," I assured her. "I'm fine."

"Okay. Please take care of yourself, darling," she sighed heavily. "And call me if you need anything."

"Yes, and yes," I said, raising my voice so she could hear me. "Good luck with your client, Claire."

"Thanks, I'll need it," she said with a nervous chuckle. "I have to go now, Lee. We'll talk later."

"Bye," I said into the phone before hanging up.

Half an hour later, Jason and I were huddled together on the patio couch, trying not to burn our tongues on the fresh Margherita pizza. Swallowing a careful bite of my slice, I tipped my head to the sky, the same shade of grey as Jason's right eye. The sun struggled to break through clouds that were darker than they had been earlier that day.

Jason followed my gaze and asked, "Does the couch stay out here even when it rains?"

"I don't know." I shook my head, wide-eyed. "Should I ask Claire? Wait, she's probably still at her meeting."

Glancing at the clouds as they gathered overhead, I shrugged. "It probably won't rain, anyway."

Just as I finished my sentence, a fat droplet of water landed on my forehead.

"Seriously?" I muttered, narrowing my eyes at the sky.

Jason laughed, swiping his thumb across my forehead to wipe away the raindrop. His finger traced the length of my eyebrow, down my cheek, and came to a rest against my jaw. I sat absolutely still, realising that there was something different about his touch. I knew what it was, recognised it even. But I couldn't quite put a word to it. His eyes burned into mine with an intensity that was familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

I was transfixed by his gaze until two raindrops fell from the sky, one on Jason's knee, the other on the couch's arm.

"We should move the couch inside," he said, pulling his hand away from my face.

"R-right," I said, shaking my head to clear it.

Our bare feet slapped against the patio floor as Jason and I hurried to move the couch and the half-empty pizza box indoors. Just a few moments later, the skies opened up to release a light drizzle that, although not fatal, could have done considerable damage to the furniture.

Standing near the dining table, Jason and I looked out at the patio, our shirts and hair dotted with raindrops.

"What are you doing?" I huffed when Jason suddenly made a move to go back out to the patio.

"Our shoes," he said, motioning for me to stay indoors before stepping out through the French windows. "I'll get them."

I hurried behind him anyway, hoping and praying that my hair wouldn't get too frizzy from the light rain. But when I stepped outside, all worries about my hair faded into the back of my mind as I inhaled the air, thick with the scent of fresh earth. I glanced at the lawn off to the side, blades of grass swaying as the water drip-drop-dripped on them.

I loved the rain. I never believed that it turned everything dull and gloomy. In fact, when it rained back home in London, I found that the red buses and black taxis appeared more vivid than ever. I loved looking down at the busy streets from the living room window in my flat to see a canopy of colourful umbrellas, a perfect disparity to the grey sky.

A strong hand gently rested on my shoulder, snapping me out of my reverie. I blinked and realised that Jason was peering down at me, our shoes held loosely in his free hand. 

"I told you I'd get our shoes," he smiled, blinking away the raindrops that landed on his eyelashes. "Why did you come back out?"

I answered by wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling his face towards mine until our lips crashed together. Jason's back straightened as his arms encircled my waist, holding my body an inch off the ground. A flutter rose from the pit of my stomach as I parted Jason's lips with my own. My heartbeat pounded in my ears, completely drowning out the pitter-patter of the rain.

It was at that moment that I realised what had been different about Jason's touch before. His eyes and his touch had conveyed a silent message, a desire, a request for more.


I broke the kiss. Holding Jason's questioning gaze, I conveyed my own desire wordlessly. In a moment, he understood. His arms loosened around my waist as he set me down on the cool, damp ground. He gazed down at me, waiting for me to react. 

A thrill of nervous pleasure tingled down my spine when I grabbed Jason's hand. Silently, I led him back into the house and up to my bedroom as the rain continued to fall.

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