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'Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named...'

I don't see James for days after that night and whilst that is a good thing, my mind continues to drift to another member who works for the Australian royals. I'm beginning to think I've officially lost it. I have turned into one of those girls. The kind of girl who spends every waking moment obsessing over a guy. A guy I met for all of two minutes. My brief interaction with that Australian member of security has got me practically doing cartwheels across the ballroom floor. I find myself spending five minutes longer in front of the mirror each morning, wearing my nicer jeans rather than the pair of comfy but fading pair I usually wear. I'm almost embarrassed by myself.

Because what a plot twist he is.

But I don't know who I'm trying to kid. I haven't clapped eyes on him since my tantrum in the gardens. I am almost convinced I have imagined him, conjured up some figment of my imagination to try and mend the gaping hole that has been ripped from my chest for the better part of a year. But there he was, the feeling I thought I'd forgotten.

"You're not an easy woman to find,"

I tear open my eyes and drag my head from the sun. My feet slosh in the pool as I meet James' eyes. The movement has caused me to splash water all over my open book.

"Maybe because I'm not a leech on every single wall," I mutter and pick up my dripping book from beside me and shake it out.

I can almost feel the smirk on his face. "Are you flirting or trying to start a fight?"

"Are you bugging me for a reason?"

James' lips turn up, "your father has requested your presence."

"I didn't realise you were the King of England's errand boy."

"I was coming this way," he says simply and gestures to the towel thrown over his shoulder.

"You seriously have nowhere else to be?"

"Not until four."

This boy is impossible.

I push myself up and grab my towel and sodden book. "Do you know where he is?"

"His office," James says and gestures to someone over his shoulder. "Henry here will escort you. Don't want you getting lost on your way." He grins.

"I know where my father's office is," I grimace at the same time someone else speaks.

"No problem, sir."

"Henry?" I mumble, my eyes slamming down hard on the man I haven't been able to stop thinking about for the last few days. James looks between us with a look I can't quite decipher.

"Yes, Henry," James watches my face and glances behind him. "My head of security."

Well, fuck.


Perhaps it's because I'm so used to Adam – forty-nine-year-old Adam – being my head of security I hadn't even conceivably considered the idea James would possibly have someone around our age in the same position. Or possibly it's because I decided to block out the memory of where I imagined I first saw him outside the lift that first morning.

"The royal guard?" I croak out as we slip through the door and into the wet room.

Henry smiles. "My outfit does not give it away?"

The Heir And The Spareحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن